DVD Recommendations Please
Hi All,
I'm new to this forum and this is my first post! I'm almost 10 yrs. out from RNY wls! While I lost a substantial amount of weight, sadly, I've never made it to MY goal weight. So I really want to step up my diet and exercise program and finally realize my goal weight once and for all! It will be so very exciting to move on to conquer other fitness goals!
Now, I've got my diet covered. I just need to secure some exercise dvds so that I will have zero excuses for not working out when I can't get to the gym.
My question for y'all is:
What fitness dvds do you use/recommend and why?
While I'm not in athletic condition, (YET!), I'm certainly no novice when it comes to REALLY working up a sweat for 45 to 90 mins. at a time - Bootcamp style! So, bring it on! My only limitation is that I can't do Plyometrics because I've had back surgery. Thanks for the feedback! ~ Cheryl