Do you snack before you workout?

on 5/13/14 11:42 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

At 8 weeks post-op, I'm starting to increase my exercise and I've now found on a few occasions that I'm feeling...basically faint mid-workout. Right now I'm eating around 600-650 calories a day and getting 90-100grams of protein in. Primarily I am doing this with 3 meals and 2 protein shakes. I'm considering incorporating a planned pre-working snack like an ounce of deli meat or a string cheese. 

Do you have a snack before your workout? 

What has worked for you as far as timing? I'm concerned about having the snack, getting to the workout, and wanting to drink. If I have the snack 45 minutes prior will it help sustain my workout? Any personal experience would be much appreciated!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 5/14/14 12:10 am - CA

I have experienced similar to you. I have increased my workouts to circuit/boxing with a personal trainer. I am burning approximately 600-900 calories a day. He says he notices me sluggish. He wants me to carb up and fuel myself on the days of our workouts. Obviously, carbing up is not a real option for us. So I asked my surgeon. He advised a protein bar with 15 grams of carbs. (This is not a normal suggestion if you were not working hard. This is for training only). So that dumping does not occur I was advised to eat half the bar on the way to my training session and the other half during. I have not been able to eat anything during training. We are moving way to fast for me to stop and gobble a few bites. Anyhow half the bar before hand has helped. Also, check your iron levels. If they are low, you will definitely be more tired. 


Lyss Remaly
on 5/15/14 6:14 am - Wheeling, IL

I am training for a bodybuilding competition and am putting in 1.5-2 hours of lifting in the gym on top of fasted cardio in the mornings.  PROTEIN has been my savior.  I have Casein protein before bed either in a shake or in egg whites, whever I can get down.  I also eat a bit of food 30 minutes before my workout and a drink a protein shake with glutamine in it right before, during and after my workout until I can eat again when I get home.  You need to constantly fuel your body.  I will take in carbs ONLY on leg and back days since those are the biggest muscles I'm working.  I will take in WHOLE FOOD carbs instead of bars or processed foods that don't fuel the body properly.  I'll have a few oz. of sweet potato or quinoa with my meal before my workout or a banana right after my workout when I need to restore my glycogen levels.


I HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL!  good for you getting back to it!

on 5/19/14 12:22 am - Northern, CA

I don't now but when I was at your stage, I often did. I would eat most of the carbs that I would eat that day right before my workout. So I'd have some carrots or half a banana. I'd have it anywhere from 30-60 min. before. Some people can eat right up until they workout but for some people that turns them into a vomit comet. So jus****ch out for that.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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