Weight Loss Tips

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/14 7:24 pm

For your increased weight i am here providing you some of the tips:

Drink 8-10 glasses of water

Lemon is good for weight loss

Cabbage is also good for burning the fat

Exercise for ten minutes is very compulsary

Follow these easy to do tips and you will notice a change

on 5/25/14 3:52 am

Thanks for this post anne3! These tips are helpful for me. I didn't know that cabbage is good for burning fat until I read this post. Thank you for sharing it. I drink plenty of waters per day and some lemonade. You can also drink some green tea it will help you too. I exercise at least 30 minutes per day. I jog outside our home and doing some workouts every weekend.

(deactivated member)
on 5/25/14 9:31 pm

Thanks for liking my suggestions.It is great that you are working on to reduce yur weight and yes i drink green tea it is also helpful

on 8/7/14 2:54 pm



I would i also like to add the following tips for weight lose.

1) Eat Smaller Meals Throughout the Day
2) Drink Green Tea
3) Cut the Sweets and Refined Carbs
4) Avoid Sugary Soft Drinks
5) Drink More Water


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