Endurance Athlete Questions

on 5/5/14 2:34 pm
VSG on 12/17/13

For those of you who've done endurance events (marathoners or century cyclers) post-VSG. I have a few questions... How did your systems handle Gu or Gel?? Did one sit better than the other?? Pre-VSG when I was a marathoner I used shot-blocks. Have you tried those?? How did you handle carb loading?? Did you notice any energy issues since our intake is significantly less?? How about pre-race?? Did you have any issues with full strength Gatorade (sugar)?? I'm going on three weeks post-op from my hip surgery. I'm about to start training for my first century cycling event (100 miles). As I train and get into high milage and train for hours at a time I need to consider how my body is different and refueling, etc... I'm just wondering how different things will be now versus before my surgery. Thanks in advance!!!

"The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.” ~Vince Lombardi   Join me and help those with cancer!!!

Don J.
on 5/6/14 3:55 am - Garner, IA

I can do Gu's. I really like the ones with caffeine. I have tried a few others and seem to go back to them.

I have not tried shot-blocks.

I don't do too well with carb loading. Since my RNY I can not handle most pasta dishes. I always seem to have some thing for the long runs. I like the small 'payday' candy bars.

I like a few of the Gatorade and alternate between them and water on the runs.

If you get a chance, google 'hipruner.' I have had my hip replaced too!

Good luck with your recovery. I'm sure you are getting stronger everyday.

HW 349/CW 197 

5K - Race with the Stars - 29:46 (11/03/12) . 13.1 - Spirit of Survival-Lawton, OK  - 2:30:16 (10/7/12) . Route 66 Tulsa Marathon. 6:19:15 (11/18/12)


on 5/6/14 5:06 am - Germantown, MD

I'm RNY, not VSG, so not sure how much difference my opinion will make.... I'd been pretty sensitive to sugar since surgery but tolerance is vastly improved, especially on things consumed during runs. GUs tend to hit my pouch like bricks, so I prefer sport beans or clif blocks for runs >13mi. I only carb load a little bit before races, and don't change my diet at all for races

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 5/6/14 9:46 pm

I haven't tried any of these options yet cause I'm not there, yet!  I'm training for my first half on September 21! go me! I'm wondering what a typical day of eating looks like for you?  I know we are about a year apart in terms of surgery but I'd like to know if you'd like to share!!

HW: 274 SW: 241  CW: 149 --- 5'6 (Surgery date 11/26/2013)


Don J.
on 5/7/14 2:49 am - Garner, IA
On May 7, 2014 at 4:46 AM Pacific Time, danslillady wrote:

I haven't tried any of these options yet cause I'm not there, yet!  I'm training for my first half on September 21! go me! I'm wondering what a typical day of eating looks like for you?  I know we are about a year apart in terms of surgery but I'd like to know if you'd like to share!!

Good luck on your training and let us know on your half. I'm sure you will have no problems!

I can tell you that I have no "typical" day of eating. I usually have a protein shake and coffee on the road in the morning to work.

I snack before lunch, usually on some light carbs.

For lunch, that is one of my bigger meals. I try to get at least 40-60% of my protein.

At the beginning of the week, after my long run on the weekend, I am constantly snacking on low cal carbs. I have a hard time with this....

For dinner, my wife usually has a gourmet meal for me. (I am spoiled!) This is after my afternoon/evening workout.  This meal will almost always complete my protein intake.

I usually snack on some veggies and popcorn after dinner and before bed.


HW 349/CW 197 

5K - Race with the Stars - 29:46 (11/03/12) . 13.1 - Spirit of Survival-Lawton, OK  - 2:30:16 (10/7/12) . Route 66 Tulsa Marathon. 6:19:15 (11/18/12)


on 5/7/14 11:10 am - Germantown, MD

If you're on My Fitness Pal, send me a friend request so you'd be able to see my food diary. Echoing that I don't usually have "typical" eating days, I do a lot of protein shakes (b/c they're easy & yummy, especially on days I don't plan out my food well), and eat very protein-forward. I've been playing around with my nutrition a bit as regain is being a PITA. I usually keep my main solid meals as lunch and/or dinner, with quite a bit of salad & veggies consumed, as well as greek yogurt. I do usually follow a bit of the "traditional runner" diet when prepping for races: increase my proportion of fat intake 10 days before a race, and increasing proportion of carbs 3 days before a race, then very easy/bland foods 24-48 hrs before the race (eggs, chicken, protein shakes) to decrease the risk of excess fiber consumption causing gastric issues day of race...

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 5/9/14 11:32 pm - MA

I do very well w cliff bars, it's made w simple and complex carbs, but if you can't handle solid foods on the run or if you are very sensitive to sugar, try  ucan superstarch it's is carbo w very long chain and works well for people more sensitive. Ahh coconu****er works wonder for short races.

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/14 3:26 am - Concord, NC

I have no problem with gu or blocks. I do stay away from oranges at the rest stops, my pouch does not do well with oranges. Like others, I am very sensitive to carbs and sugars so I do nothing different before a long ride.  

I have rode several century rides and will be riding in my first 24 hour event this summer. so I will be evaluating the meal plan as I prepare for it. visit www.24hoursofbooty.com/goto/paulmeyer for more info on the event. And feel free to donate to my ride.

on 5/10/14 10:03 am - Northern, CA

You should see no difference. Even my RnY friends do shots and gels. Because the digestive system slows down during exercise, it seems to keep them from dumping on them even if they would dump if they took in that much sugar at any other time. (I'm not saying 100% of RnYers will experience this but that's been my friends' experiences.)

The only difference is that when you are early out from surgery, you can't gulp down water as fast so you have to be more careful about hydration and also if you get to the point where you are burning thousands of calories a day and don't want to lose more weight, you may have to really plan out your eating.

I ended up writing an entire blog post about because people ask me all the time how to fuel post-sleeve if you need more details:

http://www.fattyfightsback.com/2010/04/endurance-training-sl eeve.html

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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