inversion systens (tables)...I'm upside down about this??

on 4/6/14 11:16 am

yadah yadah yadah...So what do you know about them?

Ironman Essex 990 Inversion Table

There is a ton of these on the market..."Mine is best...That is junk".  Please respond only if you have personally used them...Not, "well my second cousin said".  Only if you have a personal experience with them, then respond.  Do they help your back?  Does it matter on quality...Wouldn't cheap work just as good as the big bucks ones?  Thanks for your input.  Brian

on 4/16/14 5:54 am - NM
RNY on 05/08/12

I am an Xray tech and the concept of these is fabulous! At my old place of employment I would use our Xray table to throw me into trendelenberg to help my back....YES it DOES help your back!! I too have been looking for a model that was not so expensive.  I would say so long as it can support your weight do it!! You immediately feel the relief when you do.  MY chiropractor had even suggested getting a plank board and securing it teeter-toter style tho I haven't done that! To be able to do this at home tho would be priceless!!

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