Building Muscle Before Surgery?
So I am very new in the process- I haven't been approved yet, but I only just got the referral from my doctor to the surgeon last week. I know there are several hoops to jump through first and I am aware of some of the requirements post op. I have a feeling that I will get approved since I meet the criteria (BMI of 45+).
I have been frequenting this forum as well as other sites just to keep myself educated and in the know. I think this is a wonderful community and I hope to be 100% a part of it soon!
So here's my question: although it's a cosmetic concern, I keep thinking about the loose skin that many people report after surgery. I realize there are several contributing factors such as age, genetics, etc that determine the fate of a patient's skin. Did anyone start building muscle prior to surgery? My thought is, if I build some arm muscle now, might it make for less loose arm skin in the long run? Or is it irrelevant?
Is there anyone on here who didn't have loose skin? Anyone who started working out before surgery? Any advice or tips from veterans to maximize the results?
Would love to hear from you guys!
Life is what happens to you while you?re busy making other plans. ?John Lennon
Have you been approved? I am very early in the process. Just got the referrals sent from my doctor to the surgeon last week. It seems like eternity! I just want to speed it up and get it done, now that I finally have insurance! I am obsessed with the thought of taking off this weight!
I have started walking and even joined a gym (ugh, I hate the thought of going to the gym and being fat and rerunning into people I know!) I want to do weight training to build muscle so that I don't have sagging- especially on my arms. I don't know if it will even help me avoid the loose skin, but I hope it will!
I was hoping more people who have had the surgery would weigh in on this topic :( oh well!
Life is what happens to you while you?re busy making other plans. ?John Lennon
I haven't been approved yet I still have 1 appt wit dietician, 1 psyche eval, before the surgeon sends off for my insurance approval, and then once approved they will do my labs. This Wednesday the surgeons office should have everything to send out for an insurance approval.
I came across a few video blogs that talked about muscle building primarily in the arms to prevent arm wings, it looked like it just sped up the toning process since one lady could walk for long lengths of time she did what she could and then had light dumb elks that looked like they were 2 or 3 lbs and did difference exercises with those. Looked like it helped