First Half Marathon!
Sunday, 11/17, was my first half marathon! I did the Rock n' Roll San Antonio. Honestly, if it had been a smaller, not so well supported race I probably would have sworn off half marathons forever. I'm not gonna lie - I was in agony.
Friday morning I picked up my friend, Kelly, and my niece's other grandmother and we headed to Texas. We made pretty good time - 2 stops for gas, about 10 hours. "Grandma" is 72 but easily mistaken for 60. She talked the whole. entire. way. Oh my mercy. I am not a conversationalist while traveling, but always feel obligated to try to carry my conversation. It was exhausting hahaha At my niece's house we visited for a while, she fixed dinner for all of us. I "slept" ( dozed minutes at a time) on couch cushions on the floor so Kelly could have the bed.
Saturday morning we were up early to go to a park and do photos of my great nephew, a lunch stop and then we were off to San Antonio - about 40 minutes away. We had a good time at the Expo, except I spent more money than I planned on spending! yikes! We walked from our hotel down to the Riverwalk and had dinner. I made a sign to carry on the run - it had photos of my surgeon,Dr. Friedman, a "before" pic of me, and my "after" picture with my trainer. We went to bed early, but, I didn't sleep much at all. It was wretched. My friend can't sleep without noise so she had the TV on I can't sleep with a TV on, even on mute because of the light flickering. Sunday morning - up at 515, walked to the Alamodome at 6, found our "corral" and waited. And had a banana while we waited. My niece and her family came to find us and see us off at the start. The run start was at 730, but we were far enough back we didn't go until 8.
Within the first 3 miles, I thought I was going to end up being carried off the run. It was hot and humid. Mile 5 to 6 was an insane hill - one of those you have to lean forward to go up! ( A group on facebook is now calling San Antonio The Hot Humid Hilly Half from Hell lol ) After mile 6 I felt pretty good - I was grabbing water and Gatorade at all of the aid stations and it was not quite as humid. At the mile 9 marker my left knee locked up so suddenly it almost pitched me forward. A few staggering steps and it worked again until mile 12, where the same thing happened. Also around mile 11, my legs started cramping so severely I couldn't bend them even so much as to jog, so I walked as fast as I could. I was so incredibly relieved to see the finish line! My niece / family were at the finish with signs and cameras. Kelly and I picked up our medals and I grabbed a bottle of water, a bottle of Gatorade, and 2 small bottles of chocolate milk. I thought I had hydrated enough prior to the run, but apparently I was severely dehydrated. I drank another 32oz bottle of PowerAde and another bottle of water before all of those liquids had any effect on me - around 630pm. The trainer said that is why I was cramping so severely, and why I "bonked" so early in the run. Lesson learned!!
There were TONS of spectators all along the course - we went by the Alamo, the San Antonio zoo, downtown - it was a great course. The majority of the spectators had fun signs ("You're my favorite runner so far" "Proud of you, complete stranger" "You're running better than the government" ). The medal is very cool and I was super proud of myself for finishing under 3 hours (2:48). There were a lot of things I want to change when I do another one - obviously it would have been much more enjoyable if I had properly hydrated. We left straight from the race to the hotel for ice baths (as horrid as it sounds haha) and rushed to make checkout. 40 minute drive back to my niece's town, a trip to walmart, hour or 2 visiting at the house and then we left for home. I had planned to nap at the house, but with my niece's entire "step" family there, I didn't stand a chance! I asked Grandma and Kelly to nap so when I needed to stop one of them could drive. I ended up driving all but 40 minutes of the 12 hour trip (had Grandma drive so I could get a quick nap). After I dropped them off at their houses, I got home about 545. Helped my mom and went to bed a little after 7.
Congrats on your first Half!!!!! Sounds like you've had a few "lessons learned" that will help you thru your next one.... especially about hydrating well the day before (which is always hard when the Expos are sooooo distracting....). We had a few of those "you're running better than the government" signs at Marine Corps Marathon, which was very ironic since we were in DC and the marathon very nearly became a victim of the gov't shutdown!
Ok, so keep in mind that even with your knee locking up and the marathon traveling you did and the lack of sleep (next time maybe some Pharmaceutical sleep enhancement?), you did a sub-3!! I think I very nearly got the same time in my first (which was also a RnR event, they're so fun!). One of these days I'll have to make it down south to run a race with you.... Congrats again!!!!
First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11, Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13, (1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.
Thank you!!
Definitely lessons learned!! My trainer said if a run is on Sunday, then your actions on Friday / Friday night are the big influencers. Friday I was driving and probably didn't have 32 oz of water all day. Yikes!!
I loved the experience in hindsight lol
YES!! Come on down! We have a couple here in Pensacola (New "Rock and Fly" on the NAS in March, Pensacola Beach in April, Pensacola downtown in November).
My next half is the Mississippie Blues in January in Jackson, Ms. It is another hilly one... oh the luck LOL
CONGRATULATIONS...thanks for all the details about your run. I could literally envision what you were doing/feeling thru your description. I did my 1st half earlier this year and like you said it was CHALLENGING. However, what an amazing accomplishment for you...You are an inspiration, thanks for the encouragement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours in WLS Journey,
Bill Mac