Anyone figure compete?
As in lift weights, cardio and the whole diet/meal plan? I want to but I struggle with the amount of food that is needed. If I drink ALL of the water I need a day (64oz+), it's hard for me to eat a lot during the day. Especially the amount of chicken/fish they want (to get the protein) as well as the veggies/carbs. I'm 4 years out and I can still barely eat 6oz of chicken and nothing else. No veggies and I cannot eat and drink together. I've tried, and it just ain't good. So then one would suggest spacing the already 6 meals a day out, but again, I can't eat and drink together. And I can't drin****il at least 30 min after I've eaten. I can drink water all day, and then eat immediately after. I'm fine. but if I eat a meal, i can't start drinking water again until at least 30 more minutes. So I wonder if it's even possible :(
My fitness and cardio are already on key. I lift weights all through the week, I do cardio every day. I have gained lots of new muscle but my body is having a hard time with losing the fat b/c of my diet. I'm not getting the right calories/carbs/protein. I do drink protein shakes. however, I need to be able to ingest true forms of protein as well.
Anyone with input?
I do!!! I started about 8 months ago. I have some solutions and tricks because it can be difficult to ingest the needed calories and protein you need. Training for a show is strict and strenuous and isn't going to be easy. I had the help of beachbody, which is how I for started but I also have some tips and tricks of my own. PM me if you are interested in chatting about it!