Weekend workouts/training/etc

on 9/3/13 10:44 pm - Toronto, Canada

Thanks! I love that i'm getting faster!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Sam LifeNerd
on 9/3/13 6:22 am

Got to run a NEW course over the weekend!!

I went up to Baltimore for business last week and the wife came with me, and then we spent the weekend in DC!!  We stayed only a block from THE MALL in DC (The stretch between Capitol Bldg and Lincoln Memorial) and it was really neat to see all the runners and other fitness nuts.

I did not bring any running gear with me except my Merrell Trail Gloves that I just wear for walking too.  BUT, I could not stand it anymore by Sunday and grabbed some of my sleepy shorts and a tshirt and went for a run myself!!

Basically I decided to run THE MALL, sight seeing and the total run was 6.66 miles (interject any DC/evil conspiracy jokes here) 

I started at the Air/Space museum, down by the Washington Monument, waved to the Prez at the White House (not really), WW2 memorial / Reflecting Pool, Vietnam memorial, Lincoln, down the Potamac to Jefferson Memorial, back to the park, all the way up to the Capitol Bldg and then back to the motel!

It was a really neat experience, and I am hoping to replicate it next year and run the Marine Corp Marathon there that I know some of you are training for now / have run in the past.

Got lots of "selfie" pics of myself, sweaty and looking terrible as I passed the various memorials, but tis good memories!!

6.66 miles, 1:18:16 (11:45 pace including selfie pic breaks!)

For those also training for Marathon, my last LONG run was the prior weekend, 16.47 miles, 3:21:43!  (On Endomondo !!)



on 9/3/13 7:53 pm - Germantown, MD

Glad you had a good time in my neck of the woods!! Mall runs are one of my favorites - congrats on running Capitol Hill! When we do a Point-to-Point from Bethesda to Union Station, the Hill is a brutal ending to a picturesque run... Hope to see you at MCM next year!!

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 9/8/13 1:16 pm

WOW! I want to run further than I do, but how do I train or get started? I would LOVE to do a marathon or two in my lifetime. How do I get started?

on 9/8/13 8:28 pm - Germantown, MD

While some people are able to train on their own, I really encourage training with a group. Local running stores often have training groups/plans you can sign up for, as well as your local RRCA club (www.rrca.org).

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


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