Tuesday Training
PT - 15min jog on the TM (4.8 for 13min, 5 for 1min, 6 for 1)
EMOM (every minute on the minute) 15 minutes (rounds)
10 oblique lifts (not sure what it really is. ... 15lb kettlebell each hand, lean side to side, KB to knee level )
5 (95lb) dead lift
then 35lb kettlebell swing for remainder of minute
Then 30 min Spin class
Ran 5 miles at 10:30 pace with my running BFF.... she'd run 4 miles earlier in the day, that butt! So we had to keep a mileage lower than what I'd have preferred, but I want her running strong with me at MCM so we gotta sacrifice for injury prevention!!
First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11, Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13, (1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.