Running Questions/Help
So I started doing the couch to 5k a while ago, I would have weeks where I ran like every other day but then I would lose steam and go weeks without running at all. I have been working up to run my first 5k next Saturday. I ran on Sunday and Monday, When I went to run today I had a weird pain on my right side, as I kept running it moved up to my front on the right. Is there anything I can do to prevent these weird pains that I'm getting while I'm running?
Hey you sound just like me: My trainer started me jogging and we signed up for a 5k for next Saturday. I was all set to follow his plan and condition myself for the race, but hurt my hamstring two weeks ago and haven't jogged since. I'm going today to work out and see how far I can jog (treadmill). I'd planned on running outside by now, getting really race-ready. But alas, I'm not. I'll probably walk some of the race, but have to put my perfectionist self aside and just FINISH. Glad to know I'm not the only one hurting :) Hope you work it out and conquer the 5k!