Advice Needed on Strength Training
Good Morning!
I need some advise on beginning a targeted exercise plan. I briskly walk 3 miles per day, so I'm getting my cardio in, but I would really like to start sculpting my arms. I do not own any weighs so if I make a purchase I'd like to know it will be effective beforehand.
I've always had "water wings" below my arms between my elbow and shoulder. Now that I've lost weight, they are much smaller but I'd like to tone them up a lot. If I can't lose the excess skin, I can always fill it with muscle, right?!?
Suggestions would be marvelous.
When my surgeon instructed me to start a weight program, I went to a local gym and paid for some time with a trainer. If that is in your budget, it is $$ well spent.
Her instructions to me where to keep the weight I lift low, but to do more reps. The consistency of doing a weight program will firm you up, but won't make you bulky like a man. Either do your upper body one day and your lower body the next day, or do the entire circuit of weights every other day. Your muscles need a day to recover.
Remember to drink plenty of liquids and keep your protein grams at the level instructed by your surgeon.