Pushing Through Depression

on 2/13/13 2:34 am

Today is a rough day for me. While I know that I have to get my exercise in I am having trouble just "being" today. My depression is at an all time high and I can barely find it in myself to even type this message. Things from my past are beginning to surface. I am having nightmares (I haven't had them in years) and finding it more difficult to concentrate. I am certain I need to get back on some sort of meds but can't afford the trip to the doctor at this time.

So I guess my question is, how do I push pass this? I don't want all of my hard work to go to waste. I have a long way to go on this weight loss journey and I know this is only the first of many hurdles. I haven't felt this unmotivated, unloved, unappreciated and empty is a long time.



on 2/13/13 6:52 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12

I know this feeling well.  Sometimes just existing takes all you have.

If you can, please go outside and take a short walk, even if it's just around your yard.  Even five minutes can help clear the head and put some perspective on things.


on 2/13/13 10:25 pm

Thank you. I received some really bad news yesterday evening and decided to go workout to clear my head. It helped. The pain still exists but my energy wasn't wasted.  

on 2/13/13 11:48 pm - TN
VSG on 06/11/12

I'm proud of you.  That took a lot of courage to get going.  

I hate feeling powerless over a situation.  I'm finding that exercise at least gives me some feeling of control over my life when everything else seems unfixable.

on 2/13/13 10:28 pm

I find that getting started is the hardest part. Once I've done a few reps with some weights or walked for a few minutes I get into a groove and I'm fine. The whole routine repeats itself the next day so I have to keep forcing myself to get going.

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