HELP! Energy & Exercise!
Have you checked your sugar to see what it the number actually is? Are you a diabetic? What kind of exercising are you doing? Is it cardio, weights, cycling??? While it can certainly be your sugar, if you are an excessive sweater (like yours truly) it can also be electrolytes. I dont eat before I work out if I am working out for an hour or so, but thats just me. If it longer, oatmeal, a smoothie, toast and peanut butter are options. For extended workout I use GU gels and other people use chews along with other things. Best of luck and I am sure other people will chime in.
Hi Sheila,
It sounds like you may need some protein prior to working out. If I am only working out for an hour I do not eat until after I work out because I hate the feeling in my tummy.
But, if I am working out for more than an hour, I have a small protein shake and then I make sure I am hydrated. If you are not hydrated your electrolytes can also be off kilter.
If this doesnt work, I agree with Kat, you may need to see if you are hypoglycemic or diabetic. Have you had these checked recently.
Good Luck,
I use Body Effects just prior and during my workout. The only flavor I've tried so far is grape. It's okay. I mix it with water. Then after my workout I drink a protein shake.
Are you familiar with YouTube's BandedWendy or the ProofWLSWorks channel? I got the Body Effects from Wendy. Her motto is Let It Rain. It refers to sweating during a workout, which I LOATH, but I'm trying to work past my issues and try to see it as a positive, not a negative.