What are your fitness goals for 2013???

on 12/9/12 7:30 pm - Germantown, MD

My goal is to improve my 1/2 time to 2:15..... um, we'll see how that goes. Registered for the Rock & Roll USA in March and doing formal training with my local running club.

2013 will definitely have some timed runs - 5Ks, 10 milers, etc. Then maybe start the First Time Full-Marathon training program in the fall.... thinking about something in 2014, maybe the Philadelphia Marathon b/c I have family up there and if I take a REALLY long time training, I think 26.2 is doable!!!

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 12/11/12 1:58 am
VSG on 04/23/12

Wow. You guys are awesome!

My main goal is to get more active and stay that way. I'd love to be able to run a mile...maybe even a 5k. Don't know that my knees will tolerate that much (patellar arthritis and chondromalacia) but I've been doing okay with short jogs mixed in with my walks and if it has to stay that way, so be it. A little more than a year ago, I couldn't walk without limping and my goal was to be able to walk comfortably.

Also want to add regular weight training to my routine, whether it be at home with my 1- and 3-lb dumbbells and stretchy bands, or at the gym on machines and freeweights. Or just isometrics and bodyweight. Maybe more.

Last year at this time, I couldn't imagine being able to run for 2 minutes straight. Don't want to rush another year past, but I do wonder what I'll be saying about this year's goals at this time next year. :)

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


(deactivated member)
on 12/11/12 2:47 am

My main goal is to get more active and stay that way.

I think that everybody that posts here on this board would agree that this is a great main goal and could, arguably, be the most important one! I started reading this board months before my surgery and was awed and amazed at what some of the people here were doing.  I continued to read and have started to post here and have been met with nothing but support and encouragement.

Jeanine J.
on 12/23/12 9:42 am
Once I am all healed from foot surgery, I plan on taking up jogging again. I started but the pain in my foot was unbearable and I had to stop. So now that it is fixed and healing well I plan on begining again. :)
on 12/25/12 1:36 am
VSG on 03/19/12

1) Do a 5k in under 30 min.  I'm so close so completely doable I think.

2) Be able to do 1 unassisted pull-up.  Again I'm close but I have to hop, I can't pull myself up from a dead hang yet.

3) Do a 1/2 marathon this spring.

4) Do a full marathon this fall.  Wanted to do the Marine Corps in October, but it looks like we'll be at Ft. Bragg then, so I'm going to wait and see what there is to do in Fayetteville.

HW: 270 SW: 234.4 CW: 135.0 1stGW:149 (GOAL MET)afreshstart-hreneeh.blogspot.com/
1st 5k: 5/12/12 44:55  PR 4miles: 12/31/2012 35:49

(deactivated member)
on 1/2/13 8:15 pm, edited 1/6/13 9:49 pm - California, CA

My first goal in 2013 is to lose 30 pounds of my weight within 2 months. 

For this purpose I have started hard cardio workouts. I do running, jogging, swimming, and cycling daily for at least 1 hour. 

I also take raw veggies diet plan to burn the fat in my belly, legs, and back. 

I hope this strategy will help me to achieve my goal.


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