Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon - race report
After many years of inspiration and encouragement from everyone on this board, I finally completed a 1/2 marathon 16 months after surgery. It's been quite an adventure for sure.
Considering I wasn't as prepared as I could have/should have been, the race was awesome. Once I stopped freaking out and panicking, it was quite the experience. I managed to run all but about 3 minutes (up a steep bridge) of the 13.1 miles which was way beyond what I had hoped/imagined for. Fortunately, it hurt a lot more to walk than it did to run so I didnt have too many choices. I was grateful that I felt physically strong enough to handle it. I also realized that I was mentally strong enough to push myself through.
It was a very emotional run for me - it went through a part of Los Angeles where i used to work - during the peak of my weight gain in 2010. I gained about 100 lbs in a 6-7 month period working at my office there - I literally ate fast food 3-4 times a day, ate chocolate by the bag full, and chased it down with sugary energy drinks. The race, for miles 2-5, went right through that neighborhood and all the fast food places I used to stop at. I was still anxious about whether or not Id be able to finish, and then I had to kind of deal with the emotions that came from going through that area. But I realized that I have accomplished so much from a weight loss perspective that by mile 5-6, I felt like running this half marathon was going to be easier than everything else Ive done, including giving up fast food and candy.
It was also around mile 5-6 where I passed the gym I first started going to in July 2010 when I started my weight loss journey, so it was a nice reminder of why I was doing this, and a reminder of where I came from. I was 420 lbs and I couldn't walk a mile. And here I was running by.
It gave me a little boost, until somewhere around mile 8-9....steep bridge, the blister that started forming around mile 3 was now killing me...thats where it got rough. I tried walking for a minute, and it hurt too bad, so I just kept "running" My pace "running" up the hill was probably slower than if I had just walked, but either way, I made it to the top. I wanted to quit. I couldn't comprehend the fact that I still had 4 or so miles to go with that kind of pain. Once I got to the top, there was a turn around point - back down that steep bridge. Nothing like a nice downhill for a boost. I picked up the pace, focused on the pain that was taking over my hip/knee, blocked out the blister pain, and just kept going. It was a mile by mile challenge from there, but I some how managed to keep running. I stopped to walk for about 20 seconds a couple of times but I just wanted to get to the finish so I kept running.
The last mile was probably the most amazing mile of the race - slight decline, big crowds, and the realization that I was *only* a mile away from the finish, so I took off my headphones, picked up the pace, and smiled. It felt great. I saw some of my OH friends near the finish cheering which was a nice boost.
Somewhere about 10 feet past the finish line though, the smile disappeared, and all i wanted was an ambulance. I was sure I was going to be carried out on a stretcher. I have allergies or something, so my nose ran the whole time, so by the time i was done, it was so raw it was bleeding, and then I took a deep breath, and that's when I got scared. My chest hurt so bad, and I started coughing like I was a smoker. That lasted a few minutes, and then I was okay for a minute.
I really appreciated the fact that they had ice cold towels (and tons of them) for us considering it was mid 80s outside, and they had never ending food and drinks. The medal was awesome. They had a beer garden but the last thing I wanted was a beer.
I hurt so bad I'm not sure how I managed to stumble over to the gear check and grab my bag and make all of a block to my hotel, but I did. I immdiately just jumped into the tub with some epsom salt, and then rubbed myself down with some voodoo potion (it's called warrior mist - its a topical oil with some anti-inflammatory stuff in it - magnesium chloride and other stuff). It worked wonders because I was just a little bit sore but able to function and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. By enjoy, I mean sit on my butt by the pool and avoid walking at all costs because i have a huge blood blister on my toe...ewwww.
For me, this was a big dream. I never thought Id be able to do it. When I signed up, I entered my anticipated finish time as 3:30 (at that point, I could barely run 3 miles so I thought Id be a little conservative). When I got to the expo, they had pace tattoos for your arm. I grabbed a 2:40 and a 2:50 thinking that I might be able to do it...I went with the 2:40 guide, and did pretty well keeping up until the bridge. I finished in 2:44:50 - its slow for most people, but considering where i started, I'm damn proud of it (and considering I'm still pretty close to 200 lbs)
Im almost a little sad that this is the end for a while...I'm taking a couple months off for plastics and recovery, but I will undoubtedly be fired up to return. I know for a fact that I need to at least do another 1/2 marathon that doesnt end in my arms and legs being rubbed raw! I'll use the recovery time to hopefully get rid of 10-15 lbs of skin, and drop a few extra lbs so this running thing is a little easier. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status
11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift.
HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200 85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op
Pick an event and train for it - and then do it. The finish line experience is worth it!! - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status
11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift.
HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200 85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op
Yes yes, I will join you for a race eventually :) - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status
11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift.
HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200 85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op