Wednesday Workout
Did 1.56 miles in the am and then a Fun Run of 2.35miles in the pm on the National Mall (from east of the Washington Monument to around the WWII Monument. Coach wanted to run all the way to the Lincoln Memorial and I was like NAAAAAAh! Just didn't have it in me but they gave me props for keeping a good pace anyway!)
First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11, Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13, (1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.
VSG on 07/20/12
One word: "Fran" Google that and Crossfit for youtube videos of a workout that literally makes people throw up. Its a benchmark workout for this Paleo challenge. Reps of 21-15-9 of pullups (assisted for me) and thrusters (35# for me because Im weeeak) as fast as you can complete it. It was awful. I thought my arms were goinh to fall off. But, it was fun!