Friday Workouts!

Paul C.
on 6/15/12 3:46 am - Cumming, GA
 WOW No thread yet for today!

7 mile run before work.  

I finished but it was difficult. Legs still sore from Weds 9 miles and well life so got in the way yesterday that the whole part about eating was forgotten until about 4pm so literally no fuel in the tank!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 6/15/12 4:26 am - FL
PT 1hr
Warm up 2min 3.5 TM then 3 45 sec sprints 5.5, 15 sec rest
3@ 6.0 , 3 @ 6.5 30 sec w/ 30sec rest, 1 @ 7.0 1min (my fastest yet)

Tabada - 8 sets of 30sec work 10sec rest
65lb thrusters
plank pulls
power pushups (ended up going to the smith machine instead of on floor)
jumping reverse lunge double jump squats
Kim S.
on 6/15/12 4:48 am - Helena, AL
Rest day-tomorrow I'll run, Sunday, upper body weights.

Have a great weekend!
on 6/15/12 9:06 am - Montgomery, NY
1.5 mile swim, 2 mile run.  

Tim T.
on 6/15/12 10:49 am - Eastham, MA
gonna run tomorrow, 4 to 5 miles= I'll post results...
Jillian O.
on 6/15/12 11:43 am - Fort Riley, KS
Went on a 20 mile bike ride

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Army Wife, 3x Ironman Finisher

on 6/15/12 12:06 pm

Bike rides on and off today...About 8-9 miles.  Tomorrow I work...104 in the shade and smoggy!!

on 6/15/12 9:54 pm
I tried to run, but my legs were like bricks from the spin/step sculpting class Thursday. I made it like 1.4 miles and quit because my legs just weren't cooperating. Times like that I think, it's not your legs quitting it's your brain but oh well.

Tiara Classic 5k 5/13/12: 37:19
Marion Village 5k 6/23/12 32:55
Rochester Road Race 5k 8/11 29:58
Acushnet Road Race 4 mile 9/3 41:07
Spooky Spooner 5k 10/28 PR 28:05


on 6/15/12 11:43 pm
VSG on 03/19/12
supposed to be a 40 min. ride.  But after my personal best runing on Thursday my butt was so sore I couldn't stay in the saddle!  So it was a 15 min ride and a bike ride with the kids.  

HW: 270 SW: 234.4 CW: 135.0 1stGW:149 (GOAL MET)
1st 5k: 5/12/12 44:55  PR 4miles: 12/31/2012 35:49

on 6/17/12 1:33 pm - Tama, IA
3 miles with hills on gravel


  HW 304, SW 291, GW 160, CW 140 H-5'9.5"            


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