Help with starting weight loss

on 6/11/12 1:54 pm
 Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 16 year old male and for the past years my BMI has been steadly climbing up which was accompanied by many warnings from my physician, teachers, and parents who all told me I needed to lose weight. However due to pure laziness and the fact that I hate organized sporting activities I have spent my time instead just slowly gaining more and more weight. However on my most recent trip to the doctor I found my BMI had climbed into the 96-97 percentile officially classifying me as obese. I decided then to change and begin a plan to help me lose weight and increase my overall health. My problem is almost completly my lack of exercise (really guys I actually get 0 activity) as I eat extremely healthy. But I need some help coming up with an exercise plan that will help me lose weight, of course going from no activity to exercising consistently. I would like to focus on cardio although strength training is definetly something I would like help with as well. Just a few more details: I have a lot of time open in my day for exercise so there is no need to limit how long I am exercising per day, I have a lot of room around where I live for running and bike riding including a track and a few paths around the woods, I have no neighbors and as I mentioned before a hatred for organized sports so I would like to stay away from sport based exercise plans, and lastly I don't have access to any machines or equipment except for a few free weights I have lying around. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. 
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