Weather Makes a Difference

on 6/5/12 1:56 am
VSG on 03/19/12
 So I ran today and the temp was only 58.  I was to do 3.5 miles.  I've been back to running 5 weeks now and 5 weeks ago my average mile was over 16 min!

Today I did the 3.5 miles at 13:09 a minute and my first mile was under 13!  I think it was the cool temp which made it easy to keep going and keep my breathing regular.  I know this is still REALLY slow but I now feel like I may actually be able to do my 10 miler at 12 min miles in Oct, where before running a 12 min pace felt like sprinting.

Anyway I was happy so thought I'd share.

HW: 270 SW: 234.4 CW: 135.0 1stGW:149 (GOAL MET)
1st 5k: 5/12/12 44:55  PR 4miles: 12/31/2012 35:49

on 6/5/12 7:24 am - FL
I have been doing my jogging on the treadmill at the gym, so I had a rude awakening last week when I started jogging my neighborhood in the mornings. Humidity makes it feel like you are running through and breathing mud
on 6/5/12 11:03 am
I, too, realized just last week what a HUGE difference the weather makes in my time! I've been doing a Couch to 5k class at my Y. Two weeks ago, we were jogging 4 minutes then walking 1 minute (repeating 7 times) and I couldn't jog the full 4 minutes each time. The temperature was in the mid-80's. Last week, we concluded our class with a 5k. Having had trouble jogging 4 minutes at a time the week before, I AMAZED myself when I was able to jog the WHOLE first mile! (The temperature was in the mid-70's.) Wow, what a difference the temperature makes!!
Kim S.
on 6/5/12 11:34 pm - Helena, AL
It makes a HUGE difference!  The minute the weather changed to our "hotter than hell and humidity = to breating under water" I could barely complete my normal run.  Of course, like everything else, I have gotten used to it again.

The temp and humidity play a huge factor in my overall running success.
on 6/10/12 9:58 pm - NY
same here.
I too realize the how much differnce in wether affects us.
it is very uncontrollable. 
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