Saturday Workouts - what's up?

on 5/19/12 3:19 am - FL
 I did my employer's 5k this morning and improved my time from 43;34 to 42:14.  According to my stopwatch I jogged almost the same amount of time as last week when I got the 43;34 - so I went a little faster!  I placed 9th in my division, and there were even more than 9 people in it!!

Oh yeah... we did a little over 5k because the crowd in front of us went off course (passed the turn around, went around a fountain park that wasn't part of the race) so we just followed them lol

                              HW 353 SW 317 Original GW 180  Current Wt  170 
                               First 5k 59:18; 5k PR 32:06;  1st 10k 1:20:27; PR 1:08:36
                                                    1st Half Marathon 2:48

                                        Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15k- 1:47:34
                                                  Three Sprint Triathlons

Carrie W.
on 5/19/12 9:22 am - KY
I did a 5k today too! Same time as the last, 40:30 almost on the nose. It's weird, I usually take 45 minutes to do 5k on e treadmill.
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
on 5/19/12 11:25 am - FL
I was aiming for 40 minutes, just didn't make it.  I did jog faster during my jog times though, so I'll take it  (my pace average was 13:37 vs 14:02 last week)
Paul C.
on 5/19/12 11:26 am - Cumming, GA
5k at the hospital I had surgery at. PR at 28 and change and top male bariatric patient so I saw the podium for once!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 5/19/12 11:57 am - FL
Woo hooo way to go!
Carrie W.
on 5/19/12 12:11 pm - KY
 Congrats, Paul!  That's awesome!  
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
on 5/19/12 11:06 pm
That is awesome, congrats!

Tiara Classic 5k 5/13/12: 37:19
Marion Village 5k 6/23/12 32:55
Rochester Road Race 5k 8/11 29:58
Acushnet Road Race 4 mile 9/3 41:07
Spooky Spooner 5k 10/28 PR 28:05


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