Toot Toot....
Yep, that's me tooting my own horn because I just finished BOOT CAMP
What an amazing accomplishment for me. I was terrified because I love structure and didn't know what the class was going to be like. My friend had some other gals with her and at one point (while doing wall sits with 1 leg on a step) I was like "OMG... this is hard" and got the most supportive "YOU CAN DO IT...HOLD ON HOLD ON" . BTW this support came from a teenie tiny runner who was not judging me but supporting me. WOW -- life is truly awesome!!!!!

RNY on 01/18/12
Way to go! I did a boot camp a couple of years ago at a cross-fit gym. It was a great experience that taught me not to fear the "gym people". I became one of those "gym people". I was sweating and grunting right along with people who were WAY more fit than me, and (surprise!) they didn't see me any differently than they saw themselves. We were all pushing our limits, and it just didn't seem to matter that my limit was different than someone else's. Very supportive bunch of folks.