Um...Booby Question

on 3/22/12 8:59 am - Royal Oak, MI
How many of you want to bet cash Paul clicked on this solely because of the subject line? 

For the ladies...I have two different sports bras - a regular one and a high impact one. Regardless of which one I wear, before I'm done with my workout my "tips" are painfully sore. It's like they got freeze dried because that's how they feel when it's super cold out.'s been in the 80's here.

Suggestions on what I could do to eleviate the problem, short of shoving my hands down my shirt...

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on 3/22/12 9:22 am
Can't pass up a good boobie posting.

Add me to the list with Paul.

It's like those posts..... For the ladies.  Gotta look at those and see if there is some insightful understanding of the female mind hidden in there.

Gotta keep up on the current trends


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/22/12 9:27 am - Royal Oak, MI

Catch me on FB 

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on 3/22/12 9:35 am - Northern, CA
When this happens to the guys, they use body glide or nip guards. I'm sure that would work for us too.

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on 3/23/12 6:08 am - Royal Oak, MI
I ordered Nip Guards last night...3 boxes! I'm going to REI after work to pick up Body Glide.

Catch me on FB 

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javier rosario
on 3/22/12 9:40 am - NJ
BOOBIES  BOOBIES  BOOBIEEEEESSSSS!!  ahem sorry .lost control for a second..awkward..
on 3/22/12 9:42 am
I have had this happen, and I usually will run with a compression shirt on and the problem goes away.  It doesn't always happen and more often than not it doesn't.

It's when the shirt is loose and it rubs that it causes this soreness.
I have used the body glide as well.

Now I see that you are using sports bra, is it possible that it is ill fitting?
Do you notice it rubbing or creating hot spots?

The couple times I had it happen, it wasn't noticeable until it was too late and it actually caused bleeding.  This was on one run, not repeated sessions.  So the pain and discomfort can be brought on quickly.

OK now that I'm done trying to be helpful, it's time to get back to using the internet for it's intended purpose.

Wasting time, playing games and looking for porn....  Uh I mean doing research.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 3/22/12 10:11 am - Royal Oak, MI
No, the sports bra definitely doesn't rub or create hot spots. I was careful about that, but I guess I could try a smaller size, but I get the same issue when I wear the high impact one as well (and that one just holds those puppies down tight). 

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Paul C.
on 3/23/12 6:32 am - Cumming, GA

you know way to much about running with a poorly fitted sports bra!

Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 3/23/12 10:07 am - Royal Oak, MI

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