Workouts -- Flu

on 3/4/12 3:06 am - FL
How much do you modify workouts and how much rest do you do when 'sick'?  I came down with a cold/flu mid week.  I took Friday/Saturday off, mostly resting in bed, chicken soup (homemade Matzo Ball Soup, aka, Jewish Penicillin), the whole nine yards. I'm feeling better today and my congestion is not terrible.  Is it safe to do a light workout? I don't want to make my self sicker, but at the same time I don't want to get out of the habit of exercising for too long.

Carolyn  (32 lbs lost Pre-op) HW: 291, SW: 259, GW: 129.5, CW: 126.4 

Age: 45, Height: 5'2 1/4"  , Stretch Goal:  122   


on 3/4/12 3:37 am - Cumming, GA
the answer (at least for me) is depends.  if you are really sick, it won't do you or anybody else around you any good working out.  rest is best.  if you are just feeling crummy, you can play it by ear and rest or do something light.  always listen to your body.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 3/4/12 11:29 pm - FL


I'm not much of a 'rester' generally.  I'm pretty 'busy' by nature.  I did stay in bed a good part of Saturday, though.  I"m sure that's why I was feeling better and itching to get out on Sunday.

crystal M.
on 3/4/12 5:57 am - Joliet, IL
My doctor told me if my symtoms are located from the neck up (stuffy nose, sore throat, headache) I can do modified workouts...but if I have any chest congestion (like bronchits) no workouts till the mucous runs clear or I get clearance from a doctor.  I thought about it and that makes sense to me.  So I follow that advice.  He never said any thing about digestive sickness..but then again who wants to run with the runs....hahaha  
on 3/4/12 11:25 pm - FL
Thanks!  I did a light, 1 1/2 mile run yesterday afternoon just to get up and moving.  I felt fine afterwards. It was good to get up and get my blood moving, get some fresh air.
on 3/4/12 2:35 pm - Northern, CA
I play it by ear too. Exercise is supposed to about getting and staying healthy so I don't see the point in doing it when I'm feeling like crap from an illnesses. That doesn't seem healthy to me.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 3/4/12 11:27 pm - FL


I understand exactly what you're saying.  I am one of those people who tends to feel 'worse' the more immobile I am, though, so I worry about striking a balance. .  I did a light run and felt pretty good afterwards.  I'm going  to take it easy until I'm 100%.

Kim S.
on 3/5/12 1:36 am - Helena, AL
Fever=no workout for me.

No fever, then I take it easy, yoga or light jogging/walking.....only if I feel like it....I'm all about listening to the body.

If you are a regular exerciser, even missing a whole week will not undo everything.
Neeven Soodyall
on 3/5/12 1:25 pm - Surrey, Canada
I'll just add my two cents worth to some already good responses with which I agree. I train like a demon when I'm in the gym, 6-days-a-week, alternating days of bodybuilding with cardio. My 45-minute sessions are non-stop effort. When I get a cold/flu/allergies like I got three times this Winter season, it didn't bother me once to take as much as two weeks off to fully recuperate. I always need to be at 95-100% fitness when I workout otherwise I do more harm than good to my body. The withdrawal symptoms from the absence from the gym are there but this doesn't phase me. Any rest is good for muscle development and I know I'll return to my pre-illness condition within a few sessions. Each person is unique. If absence from the gym means it'll be a challenge returning, then perhaps you ought to get going sooner. I have no trouble with motivation when I'm not coughing or fighting sinus blockage and headaches.
Neeven Soodyall
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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