Marathon after RNY?

on 2/23/12 12:59 pm
I just put it in tupperware with lids

couple days at the most.  it gets gummy.

That's why I use the little croc pot most of the time and make a single batch

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 2/24/12 12:18 am - Royal Oak, MI
Thank you!! I can do this for Spin days!

Catch me on FB 

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(deactivated member)
on 2/24/12 3:22 pm, edited 2/24/12 3:23 pm
hi ther, unfortunately i did not get to fully run a marathon but i guess that i still am able to do it..hope pretty soon..anyone? karla

Sue M.
on 2/26/12 7:58 am - Nantucket, MA
 You can do it!  

You will have a lot of time to practice and experiment between now and then, and what the above people said is true.  Carbs are important, and you will learn to tolerate them.

I am a fan of the Gel packets while I run long distances.  Gu with caffeine is my go-to.  I've also been known to stop and get a slushie on long runs during the summer cuz I need the cold and the sugar.  

It's important to "worry" about these things - EVERY athlete should.

I tend to carb load for a few days before, and i can even do the pasta dinner the day before.  You'll find what works for you.
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 2/26/12 9:48 pm
So much great information - thank you all!!!
"Comparison is the thief of all joy" - Dwight Edwards
Height:  6ft 
Sue M.
on 2/26/12 11:11 pm - Nantucket, MA
 PS - great surgeon!!!
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 2/26/12 11:20 pm
He's retiring - I am so sad!!  I love him so much and am sad to see him leave.
"Comparison is the thief of all joy" - Dwight Edwards
Height:  6ft 
Carol S.
on 2/28/12 10:36 am - Milwaukee, WI
 I fell in love with running after starting and stopping the 5K program and then doing my own version of it.  I didn't start running until recently but I've ran a few 5K's, a 4.4 miler (it was near where my Mom lives so I had a two fer) and I'm gearing up for a half marathon).

The others have given great advice about foods and supplements.  My advice, just run.  Don't think about speed in the beginning.  I go for distance and as I run for longer I get faster.  Trial and error, shin splints, finding shoes that work (go to a running store), gear that works for you (I need a head lamp, compression tights and extra compression gear for my lower legs).  See if there are running groups in your area.  These are great people to get tips from and keep you encouraged, etc.  I have a free mapmyrun account where I can plot runs, look at my history, follow other runners who are local to me (they will talk about things to look out for on the route, etc.).  

I understand about doing it for a friend you miss.  I do it for those who can't.  My Dad used to run and loved it but now has Parkinsons and is an alcoholic so I run for people like him.

I look forward to hearing about your running!  I'm so excited to see others as excited as I am.

SW/276 CW 150 GW 185

9 Years out.
Don J.
on 8/24/12 1:55 am - Garner, IA
 How is the training 

HW 349/CW 197 

5K - Race with the Stars - 29:46 (11/03/12) . 13.1 - Spirit of Survival-Lawton, OK  - 2:30:16 (10/7/12) . Route 66 Tulsa Marathon. 6:19:15 (11/18/12)


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