Working out and no results

Earl C.
on 2/23/12 2:04 pm - Circleville, OH
From what I read I think you need to really go nutz on the cardio. Like 2 – 1 hour sessions a day, one in the morning and another at night, 6 - 7 days a week. Lifting 3 – 4 x a week, heavy, none of that foo foo toning stuff. Your diet is fine, but like the others said already, I too have issues losing if I eat too many carbs. I don’t think you have that many carbs unless they’re in pre-workout drink. Those pre-workout drinks usually have a lot of sugar and carbs that you really don’t need if you’re trying to shed the fat. Good luck.
on 2/27/12 2:17 am - Bedford, TX

Excellent answers and experience from all of the posters.  I'm with Andrew on this.  (But I am a sleever).  For some reason, carbs seem to have an affect on my ability to lose weight (i.e., fat).  I found that when I cut my carbs to the bare minimum, the weight seemed to come off much more easily.  Don't know why that is.   I have to say the workouts and excercise are a little harder when I increase my protein and cut my carbs, but I look and feel better.  I am not the quintessential endurance athlete that you see sometimes on this board, but I can box 5 rounds and downhill ski a mile and a half without stopping.

good luck on your journey and keep us posted. 

on 2/27/12 5:12 am - CA
Update: So since last Weds after I got all this great info, I've decreased my carbs and added protein so now my typical diet looks like this:

B - egg whites
Mid-morning - protein shake (no more protein bars!)
L - 3 oz chicken, 1/4 avocado, veggie
Afternoon - veggie and 1 tbsp peanut butter (can't live without it)
post workout shake
dinner - lean protein and veggie
snack - depending on calories

I'm giving my body a full week to adjust to really see if anything is happening. I'm hoping I go into ketosis since my carbs are staying under 60. My protein is usually 150-190 during the week, weekends I don't workout so it's around 100.
on 2/28/12 2:15 am - FL
I run around 1100 calories a day with 100g or more protein. I try to keep carbs low but about 70 is average. I work out with a personal trainer 2x a week for an hour each time and other days I bike, walk, garden and run my "hobby" farm.

I am 39, 5'6" but a much heavier weight than you were so I don't know how much difference that makes.... just keep working on it and find where your body wants to work hardest. You can do it!

                              HW 353 SW 317 Original GW 180  Current Wt  170 
                               First 5k 59:18; 5k PR 32:06;  1st 10k 1:20:27; PR 1:08:36
                                                    1st Half Marathon 2:48

                                        Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15k- 1:47:34
                                                  Three Sprint Triathlons

on 3/3/12 3:12 am, edited 3/3/12 3:13 am
I have a Bodybugg and this has made all the difference in the world. You wear it all day and it tells you how many calories you've burned. It's amazing how much what you do just in daily activities makes a difference. On Sunday's I'll burn between 1700-2000 calories, whereas during the week it will be closer to 2500-3000. It's great to not have to guess. I just set what I want to lose, and figure out what kind of deficit I will need and it comes off. If I eat up my deficit in calories, I walk or jog until it's back up. It's not always perfect by the day, but if I consistently have a deficit (meaning I burned more than I ate) of 1250 calories a day, by the 2nd week weigh in I will be 5 pounds less. Like clockwork. With having RNY you should be losing even more than the calorie deficit would show.

Also, you'd be really surprised how much losing weight affects how much you burn. When I was at goal I had to work my BUTT off to burn 2400 calories a day (my personal goal), vs. when I was at my heaviest I could burn 2400 by sitting on my butt all day.

Anyway, my husband just got one that connects to his smart phone for $129, with free shipping. If you watch for specials you can find them that cheap. Highest is around $179. But, it's money WELL spent.

Edited to add: it has a website that you log your food into and keep track of not just your deficit, but your protein, calcium, carbs, and fats and other things.

Revised from band to sleeve on June 6th, 2012. Lost 48 pounds on my own in the 4 months prior to revision. 

on 3/8/12 5:32 am - CA
Thanks for posting this info. I'm going to get one and if that doesn't work I don't know what I'll do. I'm thinking I should go see my PCP and have some tests run to see if there's anything going on inside. I mean seriously, I went to see my surgeon for my 6 month checkup and between 3 and 6 months I only lost 5 lbs and she was fine with it. THAT'S RIDICULOUS!

I updated my post to say I lost 2 lbs the week after bringing my carbs down, well the following week I went up 4 lbs and this morning down 1. I'm not doing cardio atm only because I'm on this 12 week exercise program and the first 4 wks is building muscle then cardio will start and I'm on week 3.
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