
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/12 12:46 pm
 Hey, I am trying to find out what other people think about a product called visalus.

on 2/17/12 2:04 pm - NC
 My half sister uses it and is also a distributor. She has had wonderful success with it, losing 50lbs in just over 90 days.  I know she replaced two meals with shakes and did limited exercise. 
on 2/17/12 3:34 pm - Northern, CA
It's a MLM scheme like Amway and it's not really forumulated for WLS peeps. Here's a very thorough review by Andrea U, goddess of vitamins: -vitamin/

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(deactivated member)
on 2/17/12 4:28 pm
 @beanzel, Yea I have heard very similar stories to your half sisters. I have been trying to find out more information before purchasing. Thanks for your response!
@Macmadame, I looked at that link I enjoyed reading it. It helped broaden my view on the product.  

what views do the two of you have on visalus?
on 2/18/12 5:42 am - Northern, CA
So I'm guessing the "Deactivated Member" means this entire thread was a scam to get people interested in Visalus?

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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