Muscle Gain, Weight Gain, Water Retention

on 2/7/12 11:24 pm
I am almost a year post RNY and about five pounds from goal.  I have been working out consistently since eight weeks out.  I am testing for black belt in four weeks, after five years of training.  I had a month long stall in December on weight loss, then I lost eight pounds in January when I started doing 2 a day workouts four days a week and one on Friday.  (Increased my cardio and kept my weights at 45 minutes a day with trainer.)  I consistently eat between 1500-1800 calories a day, I am 5'10 and I my weight last week was 160.2  (lowest yet.)

I gained back  eight pounds seemingly overnight.  It dropped down three pounds one day, back up the next, and now I have been sitting at five pounds gained for about five or six days.

It isn't muscle - obviously I didn't put on five pounds of muscle overnight and my scale says I have LOST muscle mass and gained fat mass.

I know your muscles can hold water when you are training hard. Is this a possibility?  5-8 pounds worth?

I am not freaking out, really - but I do want to get to goal weight, and this is the first time since surgery I have gained weight that isn't a one or two day water fluctuation of a pound or two.

Thanks for any advice.  I read here all the time but rarely post because my connection is so slow.
on 2/8/12 2:15 am - Lebanon, OH
Training hardcan cause that. To keep you sanity make goals about speed or strength not so much about the scale. Weight is only a number !
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 2/8/12 11:16 pm
Thanks.  That was my goal with increasing the cardio and the two-a-days on the workouts, I am just still a bit paranoid about the scale.

Seemingly (again) overnight, six of the eight pounds have disappeared, so I am going to assume the rest will too.
m53 r
on 2/8/12 12:17 pm
i concur w/nate. i never was a scale hound. only weighed in on doctor visits. just go by how your clothes are fitting. it has been the best indicator for me.
on 2/8/12 11:16 pm
I am trying hard to get to that mentality.  I am scared of weight "sneaking up" on me, even though I know I am doing all the right stuff.
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