Core Strengthing?

on 2/6/12 8:47 am - Derry, NH
 Hello all. 

I am 7 weeks out from my surgery, I am hitting the gym everyday now. But I am not sure if I'm allowed to do any weights yet waiting for my appointment. But I am looking for core toning that doesn't require any weights or anything that could be an issue with healing. I feel great. I do 1 hr on the treadmill right now but thing I am going to be changing that up a little bit next week. 

Just looking for some advise.

Thanks Nancy
on 2/6/12 11:21 am - Northern, CA
It took me until I was 2 months out to feel comfortable doing core work. You don't want to get an incissional hernia and that's what can happen if you strain that area before it's completely healed.

Why not call your program and see what they say?

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on 2/6/12 10:00 pm - Derry, NH
 I have an appointment this week. I am just going to wait. Thanks for the advise I don't want to cause anymore issues then I have already had. 
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/12 10:24 pm
Hey NancyL13

Ya,MacMadame is right you don't want to take one step forward and two steps back.
It is so important to make sure you are properly healed so that when you are ready to do core work you can give it everything that you got. But when you are ready contact me Dana A at for so great core movements and workouts. I sarted this site specifically to reach people from all over that are looking for great workouts, for motivation, and support. So, until then...congrats on the surgery, heal up, and the best of luck to you.

on 2/7/12 12:25 am
certainly talk to your doctor, but mine cleared me for any activity I wanted at 6 weeks.
So you are probably going to get some good news when you go see your doctor

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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