Running and nutrition??

on 2/4/12 2:28 pm - Canada
Good morning all

I have signed up for my first 10k in May!! I am super and excited and scared at the same time.

I still have some weight to lose so I am in training as well as trying to get some pounds off. I want to make sure that I am getting enough nutrients and cals so I can function, but I also want to lose weight. Any ideas?

What are other runners doing foodwise?

I work out with a trainer 2x a week and am at the gym at least 3 other times doing cardio. My trainer and I meet at 6:30am. I have a really hard time getting much water or food in before that. I try a watered down protein drink on the way.  I was runnng into some problems, feeling faint when I really push myself. A few days ago I tried some of the runners gel  before a workout and I felt much better. Anyone else have this problem? Any other solutions? I would like a more natural approach if possible.

have a wonderful Sunday

on 2/4/12 2:32 pm - Northern, CA
I trained for my first 5k and my first Sprint Triathlon while I was losing. What I did was eat whatever carbs I did eat as close to the beginning of my training sessions as possible. I also had a protein snack after.

But I kept my calories and carb goals the same. It was just the timing of my eating that I changed.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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