Should stores provide places to lock your bike??

on 2/2/12 8:31 am, edited 2/1/12 8:34 pm
I've been thinking about this for a while now. No, I don't think your mom and pop store needs to have a place to lock your bike. But I am thinking about places like your local drug store chain; Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS...Should they be required to have those places. I'm going back and forth with this idea...I don't want Big Government telling me what I have to do...And...Let's make this country less reliant on foreign oil (with easier access for bikes). So what are your thoughts?? Brian PS The one that really gets to me is my local Big 5...They sell bikes there...But no place to park them!!
Rob S.
on 2/2/12 9:07 am - DE
Here's what's happening in Congress:

Moments ago, Congressman John Mica (R-FL) announced the introduction of the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. The proposed bill eliminates dedicated funding for bicycling and walking as we feared, and it goes much further and systematically removes bicycling from the Federal transportation program. It basically eliminates our status and standing in the planning and design of our transportation system—a massive step backwards for individuals, communities and our nation. It’s a step back to a 1950s highway- and auto-only program that makes no sense in the 21st century.


Michelle E.
on 2/3/12 1:40 pm
I would love to see that in my area but riding your bike here is very dangerous.. We had 2 skateboarders killed this last week..not sure of all the cir****tances but scary nonetheless. When I lived in NYC, you would chain your bike to a sign post. Here in San Diego, people tend to leave the bike outside on the kick stand unchained.. I dont utilitze a bike for my commute but it would be nice to have the option.

We all should work harder at becoming more green.  Good luck on your quest!
Kim S.
on 2/6/12 5:05 am - Helena, AL
I don't want "big government" telling anyone they have to provide it.  I'm sick of the government dabbling in too much of my life.

I am not a cyclist, and I live in a part of the country that isn't "bike friendly".  However, I think that if that is something you want, and I like the idea, maybe the bike community could petition some of these larger stores to provide space?  I'm all for being more green, but I prefer to walk when I is very hilly here, and no bike paths...and those dang seats....oh, my butt is hurting just talking about it!!! 
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