Exercise questions

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/12 8:32 am
 We have a Wii with Wii sports, Smurf dance party, etc.   

Do they count as exercise, and if so, HOW long do you do them for a good workout??

20 mins into the Smurf dance party, I start to hurt.  Just started it tonight.  I walked a mile lastnight and the dance party thing tonight due to rainy weather.

on 2/2/12 9:52 am - FL
there are lots of folks here with more authority on exercise than me... but my understanding is if you can get your heartrate up and maintain it there it is exercise. 30 minutes of any steady, strenuous movement is a great start!
on 2/2/12 11:04 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
if you're movin,..you're improvin!  You are also very correct in the needing to do it for 20+ minutes to get any real benefit. You gotta start somewhere.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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