Nutrition Question

on 1/23/12 10:54 am - FL
I know that an hour in the gym or a half hour with the PT doesn't require special nutrition.  However, I am trying to "up my game" some and will be getting a membership at a community pool this weekend and hopefully buying a bike by mid-Feb. I will be walking / jogging / biking to the pool (about a mile... mile 1/2 away).
 I know I am a long way off, but at what point does nutrition begin to become something I need to consider? 
on 1/23/12 11:56 am - PA
ummm call me backwards i guess, but nutrition is a big KEY to losing and keeping weight off.  Also the right nutrition will fuel your body better when u are working out.   So I would think that you should think of a balance of both nutrition and fitness.  This is something that I am learning as well.  I am by no means an expert.  Still got lots to lose and need to up my game in fitness/exercise.

Wishing you the best


on 1/23/12 12:29 pm - FL
You are correct...  the weight loss IS both nutrition and exercise.
  The nutrition I am asking about , though, is the exercise specific eating.... carb loading, extra hydration, "sport beans" / gels, etc
Paul C.
on 1/23/12 10:59 pm - Cumming, GA
If you are doing intense workouts for longer than 60 minutes then you may need to consider fueling your workouts prior with a good balance of healthy crabs and protein.  If you are running or biking for extended periods of time then you need to considering fueling while in your activity. For me if I am doing a run that will be 90 minutes or more I will fuel every 40 minutes with a gel or sports beans (I only use beans if they are giveing them out on course as chewing sucks while running).

Your bigger focus should first be on hydration to make sure you have that aspect dialed in, sometimes you will be able to gut through a lack of fuel for the end of a run but dehydration will nail you every time.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 1/24/12 2:17 am - FL
Thanks!  I have quite a ways to go before I am running for very long  :(  but I am working on it!
  I do try to get minimum 40oz fluids before my early morning workouts on Tuesday and 64 before my afternoon one on Fridays. Back in college when I was working out regularly I  went through a round of dehydration dizziness while on a stair climber. NO thanks to going there again!
Kim S.
on 1/23/12 11:41 pm - Helena, AL
I am by comparison to some of these jocks (my workout heroes) a "light" workout person.....but I have to eat a protein/carb snack about 30 mins before a workout so I don't get the low blood sugar issues (usually a couple crackers with colby cheese)....and then I eat supper about 30 mins after.

I generally do P90X or run (only 4 miles)....when I hike, that is an all day affair, and usually involves at least 10 miles of walking/climbing, and I stop often and snack when I'm doing that (pretzels, jelly beans, banana, nuts, raisins, trail mix.....these are my usual snacks).

Most important.....LOTS OF WATER!  And have fun.  You do not have to "kill yourself" to get into great shape.  Only go to the extremes if that is what makes it fun for you.  There are folks on this board that excercise at extreme levels (by my definition, not theirs!) and they adore it, so they will keep doing it.  There are some that only do "light" exercising and that works for them.  Then there are the "regular" exercisers (which is where I classify myself) who workout 4-6 days a week for about an hour each time.

Make it a priority and something you enjoy and then you'll keep doing it!  :)
on 1/24/12 2:21 am - FL
These folks are phenomenal aren't they?  Kind of intimidating, lots inspiring

  My trainer does recommend I at least do a protein shake with half a banana before my workouts with her. They are only 30-35 minutes but it is all go all the way through.

 I had my first low blood sugar experience last night. It wasn't caused by anything but carelessness - I went a little over 6hrs without eating.  A couple of pieces of turkey pepperoni and a laughing cow cheese and I was fine.

  Thanks for the reminder I don't have to do an ironman to "make it".  I have been reading blogs and I have to admit I just don't have that much confidence in myself... YET.   I do want to give a sprint (or even super sprint) triathlon a go... but I think sticking with 5k races will be more my speed.
Paul C.
on 1/24/12 2:42 am - Cumming, GA

 There are folks on this board that excercise at extreme levels

We like to call them "Dan","Andrew","Bill" and "Jillian"

Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 1/24/12 8:01 am
Here are my thoughts...others may disagree with them, but here it is.  You need to get back into ketosis if you are not still there (bad breath and all).  That means going back to very few carbs (only complex carbs) and a lot of protein (protein shakes).  As you near your goal you can work on greater amounts of exercise.  I am just worrying that the honeymoon period will soon be over for you (6-12 months)...Where the real work begins.  All those exercises are good and profitable (like you said watch for dehydration).  You are wanting to maybe up the carbs for the exercise...which will build muscle and endurance, but may not help with the weightloss.  Just hate to see someone upping their carbs and the plans fall through with the exercise...Which will cause a stall and will make it hard to lose more weight.  Just me...
on 1/25/12 2:18 am - FL
You bring up a very valid point... and one I am prone to forget!  I think it will probably be quite some time before I am exercising enough to start seriously considering upping carbs etc. In fact, I still have another month before my NUT releases me to bread, rice or pasta. 

  I think for now I will stick with my original goal of just jogging a full 5k.  I will also add swimming and hopefully a bike.  I don't know if I will be  "in to" racing enough to justify the cost of a "real" bike, so maybe I can just find a  "Wizard of Oz' bike at the Goodwill for now.
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