lower belly fat

megan L.
on 1/23/12 10:50 am - NJ
ive lost 42 lbs since dec 13th when i got the gastric sleeve. basically my legs have lost alot weight so the point where my pants r baggy but around my stomach they r the same. just wondering what exercises you have to lose lower belly fat so my stomach catches up to my legs since all my jeans now look like mens jeans cuz of how baggy they are. i even bought a new pair 4 days ago and they are once again baggy but around my stomach r still the same tightness.

thank you
on 1/23/12 12:22 pm
Unfortunately you cannot lose weight in a specific spot- but you can work your entire body and just be patient for the fat to drop off.

Keep up the great work, it will come, just be patient!


:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170


Kim S.
on 1/23/12 11:44 pm - Helena, AL
Yup!  What Danni said!

Exercise your entire body for overall good health and to stave off some of the inevitable muscle loss you will experience with rapid weight loss.

Your body will lose it where and when it feels like it, and that is NEVER the same places/timeframe we want!

I have extremely strong core muscles, but still have some fat attached to the lovely extra skin I have around my midsection......and unless I opt for plastics, I'd bet it is as good as it is gonna get!
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/12 9:20 pm
   I hate the belly fat, too!  I had RNY 11/29 and I can tell my stomach has gone down quite a bit, but it's still the thing I absolutely hate most about my body.  

My brother (fitness nut) put together a plan for me and it's working out really well.  I do a half hour of intense cardio interval training (usually treadmill or elliptical) 4x/week.  Then on separate days, I do legs, chest/shoulders/triceps, and back/biceps.  It's nice to go in with a plan and I feel like this spaces things out and keeps me from being bored and doing the same thing every day

Congrats on the 42 lbs...you're rockin'!!!  
on 1/26/12 6:49 am - Colonial Heights, VA
be a bit more patient.  Just FYI, I lost 184 total and I noticed the weight loss in my hands and feet first, then my neck and legs, then my face and arms.  Even the butt got saggy before the stomach area began the great dflating process.  I never thought of it happening that way and nobody gave mw any warnings.  I was just ready for the gut to go away.  You do want to get your protein in to keep your body from cannabilizing your muscle tissue for protein and your water to keep the protein from causing kidney stones.  The you gonna get moving at something to keep toned to reduce or minimize the flabbiness you are gonna have some of anyways, but you can minimize it.  Also, note, while you will go thru the whole muscle weighs more than fat controversy, muscle burns fat.  The more muscle you let go away, the less ability you have to burn calories as you get smaller.  And toned looks better than saggy.
Now, keep up the good work there you 42 pound lighter, soon to be thin person......
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
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