TGIF workouts :)

on 1/20/12 3:51 am - Montgomery, NY
 i think you're on the right track, little bit longer every time you go.  At least once a week work in speed/interval training, start maybe with a 2:1 ratio - 2 minutes running hard and 1 minute walking or jogging slowly.  I usually try to spike my heart rate over 155 or so and the recover it under 120 before I start again.   I mix up interval training, sometimes 2:1, sometimes 4:1, sometimes 8:1, essentially I look more at distance so its more like .25 mile, .5 mile or 1 mile.  Couch to 5k essentially does similar.  I have found interval training the biggest bang for the buck in terms of improving cardio performance (and speed for that matter).  

on 1/20/12 3:43 am - Montgomery, NY
 5 minutes warmup on the stair machine of death, pushed it super hard in a 45 minute spin class (I was about a 1/4 turn away from the wheel not spinning at all for most of it!) and 2.5 mile run on the TM.  Felt strong as heck today

Scott William
on 1/20/12 4:33 am
Still working back into shape. Half day at work today so I hit the gym at noon for 2.2 miles on the TM. I started at 6 mph for 4 minutes and increased the speed a tenth mph every minute after that. I got up to 7.2 and had to rest 30 seconds before continuing at 7 mph for the remainder. Not great but it still felt good to pu**** to my cardio max!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 1/20/12 6:04 am - Midland, MI
3.2 miles on the treadmill in 28:43.

I was told yesterday that my form is all wrong, which might explain why I feel like dying after I run. Have you ever worked with a coach on form or know of any resources that would help?
on 1/20/12 7:41 am - FL
personal trainer
- tabada workouts after a 4 minute warm up on spin cycle
burpees, plank pulls, sumo squat kettle ball lifts, med ball side throw, stairs
cool down - TM 2.5mph , 2.5% for 15 m inutes

(then went home to unload 250lbs of feed, move 3 bales of hay and clean stalls )
on 1/20/12 8:58 am - FL
Andrew & McArthur - thanks for the suggestions.  I spent the afternoon reading up on C25K and downloaded an iphone app that will guide me through it.  Going to start tomorrow!

on 1/20/12 11:30 am - Ellendale, TN
 3.31 miles on the treadmill during a trekking class at the Y.
on 1/20/12 8:52 pm - Lebanon, OH
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
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