Sure this is nothing new, but does working out slow your weight loss?

on 1/16/12 9:30 pm - FL
Hi all.  I've been struggling with this issue for a few weeks and cannot remember if I've already posted about it on this forum, but figured I'd post again anyway.  I had my surgery on 11/16/11 and with pre-op loss and post-op loss I quickly dropped about 50 lbs.  Just before Christmas, the surgeon cleared me to start working out.  About that time, I decided to start training for my first Sprint Triathlon to be held mid-March.  So needless to say, I quickly joined a gym and have been hitting it hard for the last few weeks.  I have a trainer who I see twice a week, and we do weight lifting, etc.  The cardio I do according to my training schedule and then add an additional 2 days of weights with that.  So the breakdown is this:

4x a week - weightlifting (lower weight, higher reps)
4-5 x a week - cardio (swimming, stationary bike, treadmill and rowing)

I FEEL amazing, but have noticed I seem to be stalled for the last 2 weeks, losing just about 1lb total.  I've increased my calories from 600-700 to around 900 per day, but I keep the carbs under 40 and the protein between 80-100.  Still struggling to get my water in but that is getting better.  

Is it normal to experience a stall when you start working out like this?  If so, when can I expect the scale to start moving again?  Also, any advice on diet would be welcome.  I plan to see my NUT, but am curious as to opinions on my calories and carbs.  

Many thanks!!

Sue M.
on 1/16/12 10:36 pm - Nantucket, MA
working out or not, everyone experiences stalls throughout the weight loss process.  Also, with new exercise programs water retention is normal.  Weight loss will keep up and if you've been taking body measurements along the way, you will see inches start to fly off as you lose fat and gain tightened up muscles.

I don't know the time frame, but you will see weight loss again, fear not.
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
Kim S.
on 1/17/12 12:01 am - Helena, AL
Calories seem very low, given the amount you are working out.  Try upping the protein and complex carbs a bit....I eat a grilled chicken breast throughout the day to give me more protein. I literally carry it in my purse and "snack" on it all during the day to get my protein up!  My friends and family affectionately call it my "purse chicken".

Also, don't be afraid of heavier weight, less reps.  The school of thought on weight training is focusing on much heavier weight and less reps I've see dramatic results in the sculpting of my muscles....YOU WILL NOT GET HUGE-it is not in our DNA for that to happen.

I realize you are pretty new from surgery so eating more may not be possible-do you do protein bars/shakes?  maybe upping that a bit would help.

All in all-you are doing the right thing by hitting the exercise hard!  Keep it up and you will be one of those that loses it and KEEPS IT OFF FOR LIFE.....which unfortunately appears to be the minority when you read some of these boards.

Goal #1-improve health by eating healthy, quality food and exercising
Goal #2-lose weight

If you make goal #1 a priority, #2 will happen naturally!

We are here for you!

Kim S.
on 1/17/12 12:08 am - Helena, AL
(deactivated member)
on 1/17/12 12:14 am - LA
Hey sleeve sister.  I am stalled too and have been since I started hitting the gym on January 2.  I started drinking protein shakes again yesterday and im hoping that the increase in protein will kick start the weight loss again.  I try not to weight myself but i guess its just habit and a hard one to break.  Keep in touch and let me know if you break free!!  

on 1/17/12 12:58 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
I am in the same boat as well, since I started back to the gym (2 weeks) I have noticed that weight loss has been negligible ( only ounces) but my clothes do seem to be getting loser again. So I will just keep doing as I am and eventually the pounds will drop off.



on 1/18/12 12:46 am - FL
I stay around 800 calories a day, 90g protein, 30-40g of carb,  and I have been working out since I was cleared at 6 weeks. I also started working with a trainer in May who has been pushing up my weights/training regimine progressively since then. 

You're going to have pauses (2 weeks is a pause not a stall :)) along the way as your body adjusts to your weight loss.  Also, the more weight you lose, the more you're likely to fall into a 'hormonal' pattern.  Many of the VSG women-folk will tell you they get into a no-loss/woosh pattern as they progress that closely correlates with their cycles.

Get your protein in, get your water, get your sleep!  Also, I find that stress plays a major role in my pauses.  Cortisol inhibits metabolism and fat loss, and the more stress you have, the more cortisol you produce. I get up from my desk and walk 3/4 of a mile twice a day (a lap around my building, basically), and that does a lot to decrease my stress level.  It's a 10 minute or so break, and it does me a world of good.  I don't count it as exercise, per se.

Carolyn  (32 lbs lost Pre-op) HW: 291, SW: 259, GW: 129.5, CW: 126.4 

Age: 45, Height: 5'2 1/4"  , Stretch Goal:  122   


on 1/18/12 1:02 am - FL
Thank you all for your responses/encouragement.  I have decided to put the scale away for a few weeks.  I don't think I need it daily to keep myself accountable, I have the looming triathlon to do that for me.  I agree with some of the previous posters, while my weight may not be moving, my body is really changing.  It's kind of amazing what I've seen just over 2 weeks.  Some serious redistribution is going on here!  

I'll keep you all posted on my progress, please do the same!

on 1/24/12 8:00 am - OR
 I could have written this exact thing! Sounds like our schedules are about the same, and I also havent lost in a couple weeks more than a half pound here and there. 
I wonder if I am A. in a stall. B. Need more calories C. totally screwing up lol  
Thanks for asking and for all the responses!
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