Lake Swimming

on 1/15/12 8:10 am - Fort Worth, TX
I LOOOOOOOVE to swim in anything OTHER than a POOL!!!! LOL... I grew up in the ocean in So Cal so I am not too scared of animals, but if I saw a Great White, I might warm my wetsuit with crude oil... The more you do it, the easier it gets... yes I know... (That's what she said). Seriously though, the only way you will get more comfortable in the open water is to spend time there...
Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
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on 1/15/12 1:26 pm - FL
Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.   The ocean actually scares me less than the lakes, here, so I'm going to practice at my in-laws.  They live on the ocean in Palm Beach.  You're right, I just need to get out there and do it. My husband has offered to rent a jet ski and follow me when I train. 
on 1/15/12 8:54 am - Northern, CA
I would just practice a lot before so you get used to it.

I love swimming out in the open myself. The pool bores the pants off me.

But the poster above is right... when you swim with a big group, it scares the wildlife away. They aren't stupid and they aren't going to stick around to be bashed into by a bunch of crazy triathletes!

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on 1/15/12 1:32 pm - FL
Thanks!  I keep telling myself that, and i think it will work.  I'm going to do some ocean swimming to train, but I may have to wait until I'm in a big group to get in fresh water.  Gators really scare the bejesus out of me.
on 1/16/12 9:22 pm - FL
KDL (hope it's ok that I shorten your name a bit) - I'm training for my first Spring Tri down here in Miami - the swim will be in Biscayne Bay.  I am seriously freaked out about the open water, so you aren't alone.  It isn't critters that scare me, it's rip tides, etc. I haven't practiced in the bay yet, but plan to at least 2-3 times before the race.  No advice to offer as we're in the same boat, but GOOD LUCK!!

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