just need some advice :?

on 1/13/12 4:48 pm - CO
my friend is coming to help me after i have my GBS! problem is she is sooo unhealthy and eats so much junk the temptation is going to murder me! she tells me how bad she wants to change but that she doesnt want to work at it ! and she really needs to for her health ,,,,she is 19 and she weighs close to 400 pounds literally and she is 6'1 how can i convince and help her to want to have a healthier life? i mention exercising to her and she wants no part of it and eating healthy is like a foreign concept to her ! what is an ideal weight for someone her height and age ? 19 and 6'1..the doctors all tell her it to the "do or die" point in her health ! she absolutley doesnt want to have any type of surgery ! what exercises can i do with her that will be really low impact? how many calories should she be eating ...idk im just really desperate and want to help save her life basically ! how can i motivate her to do it with me ? like she wants to ahve kids and such but she doesnt want to stop letting food control her ...we went out to eat at marie callanders and she ate AN ENTIRE APPLE PIE! not jsut a slice or 2 but the whole damn thing i was shocked and that was when i realized that i love her to much to sit around and not give it my all trying to help her !
live life with no regrets ..just lessons learned
im ready to take my life back and live it to the fullest

Kim A.
on 1/14/12 8:54 am - TN
Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 1/14/12 11:46 am - Belleville, IL
You don't....Frankly it's none of your business. I know you are happy about your WLS, but until SHE wants to change it isn't gonna happen...Trust me. The more you PUSH and PREACH the more you'll turn her OFF....

Just say NOTHING, set a good example and by getting thinner IF, and that is a big IF she wants to consider WLS, SHE will ask you.

Good luck,
on 1/21/12 7:33 am
Mostly likely when your friend comes to help you recover, she may see the changes in you and want to make a change in her life.  Sometimes it takes looking at someone else's life to see how things turned out for them.  All you can do is listen to her and let her come to her own conclusion to make this leap.  I'm sure you know it's not an easy decision to make.  When you think about the relationship we have with food and friends, they go together.  She may not be ready to give up that part of her life and you can't force her to.  Be patient and try to answer all the questions she'll have about your journey.
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