
on 1/8/12 11:20 pm
Well I'm sitting here at the pool watching my son swim before we have to board the shuttle for the flight back to CA.

I showed up in Orlando the week before the race. I figured if I was crippled from the race I wouldn't be ruining anyone's vacation if we did that part first.

So Wednesday night my son get sick and starts vomiting and having go issues, Thursday he is still iffy but the vomiting has stopped. Sucks to be sick on vacation for the little guy.

I made reservations for a meet and greet with the other OH runners for Late lunch early dinner Friday. Well guess what Friday rolls around and I catch what my son had and I'm puking and running for the bathroom, so I miss the meet and greet. I spent the entire day Friday either in bed or in the bathroom. That is not exactly the kind of pre-race routine you want. Saturday and I still cant really eat or drink anything but tue vomiting has stopped. I managed to get to the expo and pick up my registration goodies.

I'm worried about having GI issues and being dehydrated for the race. I loaded up on Imodium which worked but had its obvious side effects.

I met up with Sue and her John for the shuttle ride to the race start. It was very nice having friendly faces to suffer with We met up with Bill at the race start and had a nice visit before he went on to crush the run. Good job Bill

The morning was cold but not as bad as it had been earlier in the week. They had freezing temps and winds earlier in the week. Race day finally warmed up into the 70's before all was said and done.

Our plan was simple some running with walk breaks scattered through. I had to stop at mile 5 for the monster blister that had taken over my right little toe. With that patched and back in business we continued on our path. We were taking the opportunity to get photos of the parks and characters. We were running 11-12 minute miles but with photo ops and the like it dropped our pace to 14+

It was all good and enjoyable until mile 13 when my body expected to quit. I have never run past that before and I was totally unprepared for this. 26.2 miles is so much more than just 13.1 twice. I would have to say it was 3-4 times harder.

Just another example of me wanting results with no training or work to earn it.

It was an experience I am glad I did it. Will I do it again? I dont know which is kind of disappointing because I had wanted to do a full ironman some day but that was so hard yesterday I can't imagine doing it after a swim and ride. I'm not sure I have the desire or dedication to devote to the level of training necessary.

Like I said I am glad I did it and I was happy to meet some of my OH friends and put faces with writings.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/8/12 11:35 pm
Oh auto correct and fat fingers don't lend themselves to posting using a phone. Oh well please excuse the typos and syntax errors

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/9/12 12:01 am - TX
Sounds like a rough time. Hang in there, get your recovery done,and set a new goal and get after it.
You can do it!!

on 1/10/12 1:23 am - Hollywood, FL
Hi Scott!
Don't let that deter you! No doubt you would have felt bettter if you hadn't become ill!

I did the half with hubby. We went at a super slower pace as 3 weeks prior he had had surgery on his carotid artery, 98% blocked! But we did finish (against dr. orders,thats why I went with him at last minute to make him sure he took it slow, "Thank You Andrew"  )! Inspite of him getting blood blisters & my shins being achy!

Yesterday I had a mild form of the "bug" you had! , today the diahrea has stopped just physically drained now! LOL

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 1/10/12 2:08 am
Congrats on completing it.

Wow 98% blockage and then tackling that event.  That is quite a feat.  I'm glad it was successful.

Glad to know you are recovering from the bug, I had it pretty bad for those couple days.  My son recovered much faster than I did.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/10/12 9:50 am - Cumming, GA

it was great to finally meet you and Marie at the event (i had met Sue, John, and Scott W before).  I had a very rough marathon, will post in a moment, but i am extremely proud that you attempted and finished the event, i thoroughly enjoy racing with friends.  i hope that someday you will attempt the distance again (or a full IM) with a full aresenal from training, it really does make all the difference in the world.

Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 1/10/12 9:55 am
Bill I was really inspired by your performance and that of your Dad.
That is absolutely wonderdful.

I will probably try again some time, but right now the hurt is awful fresh in the memory.

I think I need to find a training group so there is some accountability.  I find it way to easy to slack when I'm only accountable to myself or have to make up my own training routine.

You are correct that running with others does help, I enjoy that much more and think that the group runs would help keep me motivated.

It was great meeting you, keep up the awesome performances like last weekend.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Sue M.
on 1/10/12 10:16 am - Nantucket, MA
Thoroughly enjoyed having you with us most of the race.  Really impressed at what you accomplished after being sick for two days.  You've totally got what it takes to run a full with a lot less pain when you can really focus on the training.  Team in Training or a local running/tri group might be a great way to get done if/when you decide it's what you want.
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 1/10/12 10:20 am
Thanks Sue,

I really appreciated being able to run with friendly people, it really made the first half of the race pleasant.

I hope you guys had an enjoyable time after the race.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 1/11/12 1:49 am
I hope that you are exceptionally proud of yourself. I know myself and lots of other folks would have just thrown in the towel, but you did the whole thing- GEEZE! That's flippin amazing Scott!

Hope you are all recovered!


:Danni  >>>AIDS/LifeCycle 10 & 11 Finisher: 545miles on the bike in 7 days <<<
HW390/SW340/CW 208/GW170


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