First Duathlon!!

on 1/7/12 11:12 pm - Sacramento, CA
So yesterday was it! I did it! It was not easy... the two mile run was on hilly trails, the 7 mile bike ride had some steep inclines and was hilly as well, then back on the trail for another 2 mile run.

So in training for this I started to have some hip pain. I have bursitis in my hips. My right hip was aching pretty bad and was wrapping around to my back. I went to the doctors on Wednesday and they gave me a shot in my hip. I then saw a sports medicine doctor and she gave me some intructions to help and I am going to start seeing a physical therapist. I was iffy on whether or not I should still do the DU, but I REALLY wanted to do it, so I did it anyway... it's kind of a weird pain in that it doesn't really hurt when I am running, walking or biking, but hurts when I am sitting or standing for too long.

I don't want this post to be too lengthy, so I will try to sum it up.

I started in the last wave of atheletes, along with my sweet husband, *****ally should've started in the first! He stayed with me the first mile of the run, ran ahead and was there waiting for me when I came into transition on the bike. He wanted to take pics. During the run I saw two people throwing up... one girl I ran past throwing up in the bushes would say "I am ok." - she'd start running again and I'd hear her throwing up behind me again... I pushed myself to run as fast as I could to get out of earshot of her! 

I got to the transition area and my husband was there taking pics and some video. I got my bike and started off... Trel (my husband) caught up with me and stuck with me pretty much the whole ride. He'd ride ahead, get to good spot and I'd turn a corner and he'd be there taking pictures!! So sweet! Soooooo, my bike was HORRIBLE!!! My son used it to ride up to the store earlier in the week and crashed it. It was an older bike that my FIL gave us, but my son bent the rim so the break was rubbing the tire and broke a couple spokes. The bike ride was very hard. There were some hills I just had to get off my bike and walk it the rest of the way up the hill. Despite that, I love to ride!!! I am going to purchase a bike for sure! 

But after 7 miles of that and a couple moments where I had it in my head to give up, I got back and walked/ran the last two miles. Trel was there again in transition taking pics and stuck with me til the last quarter mile or so then ran ahead and took pics of me coming in the finish. 1 hour and 45 minutes... but I don't even care... I challenged myself and I completed it! I know I could've taken some time off of that finish if I had had a better bike.

It was the most physically challenging thing I have done EVER!!! And now I want more!! I want to see the difference on a better bike.. But, ya, I can totally see myself doing this again.

Striking a pose before the race! HAHA
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(deactivated member)
on 1/8/12 1:29 am - Fort Worth, TX
 You are making fantastic steps in the right direction!! Hitting these milestones make us all hungry, and I'm very very very proud of you Jess!! It must be amazing to have a partner too that is that much of an encourager! Please keep it up! Build off of it!! And keep us inspired! Thanks Jess for sharing!! It sounds like it was a lot of fun ... well cept for that (vomitting chick) ... I couldn't handle that either ... LOL
on 1/8/12 6:28 am - Granada Hills, CA
Wow sounds tough, but still - great job!  You should definitely get a bike so we can ride together :)

Or maybe join me in Napa for a Sprint Tri in April?? It will get addiciting. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 1/9/12 1:13 am - Sacramento, CA
AHHH! I don't swim!! My husband is trying to talk me into getting in the water, but I am so scared!! I've never been a good swimmer. Maybe I'll try it... I just don't know

Next time you are up this way, let me know!! I am hoping to get a bike within the next month or so. Nothing spectacular, but I think just about any bike may be an upgrade from the bike I have.
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Jillian O.
on 1/8/12 8:14 am - Fort Riley, KS
Awesome job on finishing! So proud that you kept going when you wanted to quit. A better bike will really make the difference, but careful, they are addicting. I am about to get my third bike in 2 years next month.

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Army Wife, 3x Ironman Finisher

on 1/9/12 1:23 am - Sacramento, CA

I think I love clothes and handbags too much to get addicted to buying bikes, but who knows!! I want a tricked out one for sure!! Get like a rasta paint job or something. That'd be so rad!
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on 1/8/12 2:22 pm
Way cool!!  Glad you got over that fear of bicycling.  Biking is so much fun (with a good bike)...Enjoy the ride.
on 1/9/12 1:07 am - TX
Way to go!
It is an impressive thing to suck it through some rough patches and finish!!
Paul C.
on 1/9/12 2:55 am - Cumming, GA
Awesome job!

So glad that you went through with it because I know previously you were really on the fence/  Sounds like you have a very supportive husband that made it even more rewarding for you.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
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PR 2:24:35)   
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