Lifting to bulk

Josh H.
on 12/19/11 2:30 pm - Merida, Mexico
RNY on 12/20/05 with
 Now this post is not to show off, or down play anything, anyone here has accomplished. I would just like to show others that we are capable of training hard with weights to accomplish becoming big. I have had several men message me telling me they don't see any other guys here on OH like myself who have trained for the results i have gotten. i know there are other people on here who lift weights as well, but not quite for the same results i have gotten, or other people haved asked me to help them work towards. but more for toning and staying fit, which is great as well. Now all these cardio goals people have accomplished here are very amazing, and i am impressed. I could never do a marathon, triathalon, cycling classes, etc... so my hat goes off to you. I just want to show more people of some other things that are possible after weight loss surgery. And what i do is not for everyone, and i am not saying everyone should be doing what i do. just showing it is possible. oh and btw, today is my 6 year surgiversary and am proud that my excess fat has stayed off, with lots of hard work of course. 


"I'm not ashamed of where i've been but proud of where i am!"

m53 r
on 12/19/11 9:23 pm
i concur, it does require much work to keep it off and in shape. i have not "bulked up" and like you i'm impressed w/the runners and tri-athletes (don't think i could ever manage what they do). but i lift regularly and can bang out 12 w/135 (i only have two 45 plates). i just work out at home, financially no gym for me. but not bad for the 50+ crowd, i'm happy with it and feel very blessed to have had/survived/succeeded at wls. you are doing great! keep it up
on 12/19/11 9:24 pm - Pell City, AL

You look AMAZING...Great Job Josh!!!!   You should be very proud of yourself.  I am sure unless people see your pictures they 'elieve that it is you. AND the ones that were around do not remember that being you..AWESOME job on keeping the wieight off for 6 years!!!! 

Reached Onederland 5/26/2010 199.2 lbs
Highest weight 280 9/2009 Surgery weight 250 2/2010

on 12/20/11 3:21 am
There is bulking and there is toning.  I give the nod for toning to "Not Dave"...He had RNY in 2006.  Just me.
Does my ass look fat in this headstand?

Not much else to say these days, except surgery has made a lot of impossible things possible.


(deactivated member)
on 12/20/11 5:11 am
DUDE!  If those guns get any bigger, gonna have to call them cannons!  GREAT JOB!
on 12/20/11 5:36 am - Cumming, GA
nice work.  any advice for the folks that are looking to follow in your footsteps regarding nutrition and specific workouts etc?
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

on 12/20/11 7:31 am - Mexico
 amazing job you are a hottie!!!!  your Girl is sooo lucky!!

on 12/20/11 9:44 am
Hey Josh, awesome job!  I've always enjoyed pushin' some iron around myself.  What are your average daily protein grams now that you're bulking up?  I assume you still have some malabsorption at 6 years post op and need to max that out.  I'm finding it tough to get 60-70g per day at 2 months out so wonder how far up you've gone with the protein.
Josh H.
on 12/20/11 11:25 am - Merida, Mexico
RNY on 12/20/05 with
 thank you all for your kind words. now for those of you who are wondering on what to eat/ take in, i would make sure u are maintaining your weight first. what i east goes against everything we are told what we should be eating. so that is why i am not advocadting anything, but am more than will to give advice. To maintain a certain weight, when muscular, it takes a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. to gain muscle, you woukld want closer to 1.5. and carbohydrates a minimum of 1.5 grams as well. i know this sounds crazy, but if u are using them, it wont turn to fat, but rather to fuel ur muscles. and you need fats as well, but mainly u want ur fat sources to come from omegas, like walnuts, eggs, olive oil, advacados, etc.. as for myself, i take in 250ish grams og protein, and around 300 in carbs, mostly being complex carbs. This diet ONLY works if your are lifting heavy. if not, you will gain weight. you need to make sure what you are taking in is being used as fuel and growth, and not just "food." and like i said, i dont reccomend or advocate any of this, but i just wanted to show it is possible to eat over 3,000 calories and not get fat.


"I'm not ashamed of where i've been but proud of where i am!"

Earl C.
on 12/20/11 1:35 pm - Circleville, OH
Awesome job Josh! I’ve been preaching basically the same nutrition totals for awhile. 250 grams of protein is only 1000 calories. It’s not like you’re over eating if you’re active, plus you burn more calories the more muscle you have. People won’t believe you until they try it for themselves, but best thing you can do before you start asking what supplements to take is up your protein. It’s amazing how much progress you can make just by doubling your protein. Why people are scared to do that is amazing to me. Keep pumping dude. Earl
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