Achilles tedonitis

on 9/23/11 1:05 am - MD
My walks had come to a stop in May because of severe pain in my right heal area. My physican's office team has diagnosed Achilles tedonitis. I made the mistake of walking with flip flops on back in May and now I am in pain every time I walk.
I have new balance walking shoes that I normally use. I do stretching exercises now and ice my heel at night. I miss my walks so I started again 3 weeks ago. I still go 3X a week but suffer later.
I tried inserts but no help. This is the only exercise I have been able to stick with. I was even starting to jog some of the walk. Thanks for listening.

First consult 306, pre-op visit 278, surgery date 272, current 198

Pupcake !.
on 9/23/11 4:31 am, edited 9/23/11 4:31 am - Stranded in, IA
I wish I could help but I can only commiserate.

I stopped wogging (my name for the walk/run thing I was doing)  in the spring when I injured my calf.  Then it got too hot- and it sure stayed hot for a long time! 

I started again when the kids went back to school.  Things went well for about 2 weeks and now I have Horrible heel pain.  My guess is plantar fasciatis.  I've rested for 5 days and walked yesterday.  It was OK but started hurting more at the end.  Today I walked again, with different shoes and orthotics.  Did fine until I tried to jog-  OMG instant bad pain!

Now what do we do??  I easily lose my motivation and was going really well with the Nike+.

As E.Shoregirl said- thanks for listening.


No surgery has been harmed/defamed by the writer of this post.  
RNY 10/28/03 305# 8/11/04 147#  9 years out and >75% EWL!

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