Happy Easter Workouts

on 4/24/11 10:55 am - Tama, IA
Rest day


  HW 304, SW 291, GW 160, CW 140 H-5'9.5"            


Sue M.
on 4/24/11 12:38 pm - Nantucket, MA
got up early, ran 10 miles (last long before next week's half).

Then ate my way across Massachusetts and back.  Turkey, pork loin, mashed potato, corn, wine, beer, cake at one dinner and lamb, roasted potato, asparagus, cheese, crackers at another dinner.  oh, and a post-run slice of pizza and some munchkins. LOL
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 4/24/11 12:44 pm - San Jose, CA
Hey, no shame here. You did six! I didn't do anything. Meant to, but my son was home from college... Been on an eating holiday for the last week (Passover foods and chocolates). Tomorrow is a new day, back to regular eating habits and exercise!
Bay to Breakers 12K May 15, 2011 (1:54:40)           First 5K 5/23/11 (41:22)
Half Marathons: Napa:  7/18/10  (4:11:21)   7/17/11 (3:30:58)   7/15/12  (3:13:11.5) 
 SJ Rock and Roll: 10/2/10 (3:58:22)  Run Surf City: 2/6/11 (3:19:54) 
                         Diva: 5/6/12 (3:35:00) 
HW/SW/CW  349/326/176
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

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