Pod cast

on 4/15/11 10:39 am
Just wondering if you guys have any good pod cast suggestions. I get kinda sick of music after running for awhile and thought I might try some pod casts.

on 4/15/11 11:09 am - Tama, IA

Okay, dumb question but what is a pod cast?
Thanks Julie

on 4/16/11 1:49 am
Pod casts are downloaded onto your iPods or iPhone. You listen to them instead of music. Talk radio, religion whatever strikes your fancy !
on 4/16/11 5:28 am - San Jose, CA
How about a book on tape? We rent them for long car rides and they come in MP3 form so we can put them on my DHs Ipod too.
Bay to Breakers 12K May 15, 2011 (1:54:40)           First 5K 5/23/11 (41:22)
Half Marathons: Napa:  7/18/10  (4:11:21)   7/17/11 (3:30:58)   7/15/12  (3:13:11.5) 
 SJ Rock and Roll: 10/2/10 (3:58:22)  Run Surf City: 2/6/11 (3:19:54) 
                         Diva: 5/6/12 (3:35:00) 
HW/SW/CW  349/326/176
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

on 4/17/11 1:14 am - Hamilton, Canada
I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan so I listen to his Smodcasts while power walking with my dogs.  They are free on Itunes.
Yasmeen  (aka thread killer!)  

5'6.5" - HW 239.4 / SW 226.8 (Feb 5, 2010) / GW 120 (Jan 6, 2011) / LW 116.8 

Cheryl W.
on 4/17/11 9:39 am - Fernandina Beach, FL
Love, love, love, NPR's fresh air with Terry Gross.  She is the best interviewer out there, has a variety of subjects and I can't keep up, unless I devote an hour or more a day to listening.  I don't know if all podcasts are free, but this one is.  
 HW:  258  SW:  237 CW:  152      
on 4/18/11 3:14 pm
Thanks for the suggestions! I will give them a try!
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