pulse rate
What is everyone pulse rate? Mine is running anywhere for 40-54 with mainly being 45. They did a heart test and everything looked fine but?? I'm dizzy a lot lately to the point of blacking out after exercising. My blood sugar to is an issue with being around 69-90. Spent a couple days in the hospital for serve pain on my abdomen and dizzy. They think I pulled some muscles at my incision site from lifting weights and working out. Ok maybe but why I'm I'm dizzy? They seem to think I have low pulse rate because I'm in great shape. I'm working out hard but I doubt that I'm in great shape, good maybe. I have gained 4 pounds over Christmas so I have been working out hard to lose it. I was driving the last time I blacked out so that scared me (luckily I was in a parking lot so I just stopped when I couldn't see).
My surgeon told me to try eating pasta/rice before and after working out but I still can't do either one without throwing up. Any suggestions??
Thanks Julie
My surgeon told me to try eating pasta/rice before and after working out but I still can't do either one without throwing up. Any suggestions??
Thanks Julie
Mine is running in the low 50's. Last dr's appointment the nurse was a little concerned, but the doc said it was awesome as he knows about my training regimen.
They say Cantador has a pulse in the mid 20's!!!
If you are having dizzy problems though I would really be concerned and make sure you stay close to the dr, sounds like it is related to nutrition though.
They say Cantador has a pulse in the mid 20's!!!
If you are having dizzy problems though I would really be concerned and make sure you stay close to the dr, sounds like it is related to nutrition though.
I have only really been exercisng hard for a few months and mine has dropped to the mid to low 60s when resting.
If you can't do the pasta or rice have you tried something like wheat toast with peanut butter? I typically do a WHole Wheat english muffing with 2.5Tbsp of peanut butter prior to my workout followed by a protein drink. If my workout is at night I try and have some nuts or whole wheat crackers.
If you can't do the pasta or rice have you tried something like wheat toast with peanut butter? I typically do a WHole Wheat english muffing with 2.5Tbsp of peanut butter prior to my workout followed by a protein drink. If my workout is at night I try and have some nuts or whole wheat crackers.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03 First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (PR 2:24:35)
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04

Ever since surgery I have had problems off/on with dizziness. It mostly happens when rising from sitting or moving too quickly from being seated or laying down. My average resting pulse rate is between 40-50 bpm, sometimes as low as 35. They did a stress test, sent me home on a holter monitor, but everything came out fine. They said my heart is actually very healthy. They chalk it up to having an effecient heart. The way I was explained is was that when your 400 lbs your heart has to beat harder to pump the blood, when you drop weight your heart doesn't have to work as hard and it had already gotten more "efficient" at pumping a higher volume of blood so it actually pumps less because it's able to pump so much more. They never could explain the dizziness, kinda said that it's just the body getting used to things.
I do know of a person who blacked out regularly, but they finally figured it out with her too, they thought it was her heart too, but ended up being dehydration of all things.
The other day I felt very dizzy after a workout, thought of passing out came to my mind, I tried to drink water but that made me sick, so sipped some powerade zero and it went away, so I wondered if it had something to do with hydration.
I know they say make sure your getting all vitamins, drinking water, eating enough, rest, etc.
Knock on wood, I haven't had many problems lately other than the above. Hoping it stays that way. But I really try to follow everything they say, and when I do I do seem to have less issues with dizziness. But sometimes I do still feel it more than other days.
I do know of a person who blacked out regularly, but they finally figured it out with her too, they thought it was her heart too, but ended up being dehydration of all things.
The other day I felt very dizzy after a workout, thought of passing out came to my mind, I tried to drink water but that made me sick, so sipped some powerade zero and it went away, so I wondered if it had something to do with hydration.
I know they say make sure your getting all vitamins, drinking water, eating enough, rest, etc.
Knock on wood, I haven't had many problems lately other than the above. Hoping it stays that way. But I really try to follow everything they say, and when I do I do seem to have less issues with dizziness. But sometimes I do still feel it more than other days.