Monday Workouts
Well, was not motivated this morning, just wanted to go back to bed after the kids left, but I forced myself out and to the gym...not only did I have a Great workout, I made 60 bucks on the way love that....
10 min mile on treadmill, legs, abs, 10 staircases w/out stopping, 5 min on the bike, shoulders and abs, rowing for 5 min (1000), triceps and abs...
What did ya'll do today? I am seeing a lot of rest days today...Great Job everyone on their races this weekend!!!!
10 min mile on treadmill, legs, abs, 10 staircases w/out stopping, 5 min on the bike, shoulders and abs, rowing for 5 min (1000), triceps and abs...
What did ya'll do today? I am seeing a lot of rest days today...Great Job everyone on their races this weekend!!!!
I know the feeling, I had to force myself out the door this morning, too. I did it though, and got 30 minutes of lap swimming in.
Okay, how did you make $60.00 on the way home??
Okay, how did you make $60.00 on the way home??
Good job Jenny...There was a volunteer survey going on, I just had to answer some easy questions..there was an accident in that area a few days ago and they were asking residents about the traffic and how people drive...I had a few things to say...LOL easiest 60 bucks I ever made!!!
By the way, nice to see you back!!!
By the way, nice to see you back!!!
I so want to lif.. but.. deep in the heart of the taper.. no lifting for me this week. I only get to look forward to a 2 mile run on the tm tomorrow. Given my history of slow recoveries, I'm playing it safe and only doing 1 tm 2 mile run the 6 days before the marathon. From what I have researched, better to over rest the week before than not be fully ready. I want to have my "a" game Sunday!
Enjoyed an easy 30 minute swim in the pool. Will add some core work tonight.
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."
5k rowing in 22:02....pretty sure that's my best yet 
cross ramp...did the fitness test for fun...I ranked "superior"
35 minutes on the cross ramp machine...cross training program
core - ab twists w/medicine ball
Oh YMCA, how I've missed you!!!!!!!!!!

cross ramp...did the fitness test for fun...I ranked "superior"
35 minutes on the cross ramp machine...cross training program
core - ab twists w/medicine ball
Oh YMCA, how I've missed you!!!!!!!!!!
"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier." ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World
I'm ashamed to put my lil 1 mile walk on this list of accomplishments! =) But hey, it counts! I was going to walk two miles on the road but my dog escaped and was coming with me so I couldn't but now she will be left in the house until I am good and gone. Tomorrow I hope to increase to two miles....