c25k weekly check in
OK girls, here's my race report!
It was yesterday, at the hospital not 10 minutes from my house, to benefit their Hospice. It started at 10:00, so after dropping the puppy off at my aunt's at about 8:40, we arrived there about 8:50 to pick up our packets, whi*****luded our numbers, a T-shirt, flyers from different businesses, an individual-size box of Wheaties, a key chain, pencil, little stuff like that. We didn't get timing chips to put on our shoes--instead, there was a strip on the back of the number bib that registered when you crossed the start and finish lines. My son went as the official photographer, 'cause you KNOW I had to have this documented.
There were other booths set up from the businesses who helped sponsor the race, and there were people everywhere! I enjoyed looking at who was walking and who was running (different color number bibs) and wondering who I might be faster than (not many of them lol) and who would probably beat me (the overwhelming majority). My parents surprised me by showing up, and they found a parking spot right across the parking lot from the finish line. I ran into a gal I used to work with who's actually done a couple of marathons, and saw a couple other people I knew.
It was cold (about 50) and WINDY! After a quick welcome near the starting area and an awful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, we were off. You know how you have those days where it just doesn't feel right? Unfortunately this was one of those days, where I just felt like I never found a groove, and felt heavy and tight the whole way through. Part of that may have been that the course winds through the hospital grounds largely through the woods, and goes uphill, and downhill, and uphill, and downhill lol... not large grades but enough to tire you out. I knew I was near the back of the pack, but I found it really annoying when some of the goofy race-walkers, who started five minutes after we did, started passing me! LOL...ah well, I at least had the comfort of knowing that I wasn't the last runner. Coming into the home stretch I was thinking "OMG, thank God, there's the finish--" until I realized that I still had to run around the parking lot and come through the finish from the other direction. W HAT??!?? I'm gonna die here! But, I kept on chugging (by this time, it barely felt like jogging lol) and my hubby was there taking my picture as I came through. Whew!
Afterward, inside the athletic center, they posted times and gave us snacks. My friend Jackie, who rates her favorite races based on what kind of snacks they give you at the end, assured us they'd give us good stuff, and they did. We didn't have everything, but they were serving bottled water, gatorade, bagels, bananas, apples, yogurt, cinnamon rolls, and cookies. Carb city of course.... I limited myself to water, apple slices, and a couple of cookies.
In the end, I accomplished my original goal, which was finishing under 40 minutes... just barely. Based on what I'd timed myself at running the flatter roads around home here, I figured on 37-38 minutes, but ended up with a 39:45. And, there were plenty of other runners who finished behind me (plus as I said some of the walkers were starting to come in then too) so I didn't feel stoopid or anything coming in that late. My hubby should have run 5 minutes faster than he did too, but he pulled a calf muscle and had to walk, and stop and stretch three times, so he came in with a 29:09.
Later in the afternoon we got ready to go out--I thought just to dinner, but then he let me know to pack for overnight. Whee!! He took me to a nice hotel in Lansing whi*****luded dinner, wine, candles, and breakfast. And THE most comfortable, cozy bed (those details unnecessary :D ). The coolest thing was that there was a Egyptian-Turkish wedding there, and the procession came through the lobby, which we could see from the restaurant. They came in with these LOUD drums, dancers, music, it was awesome!! Like something out of Aladdin or something. I wanted to follow them into their reception and keep watching. It was so cool!
Anyway, back to the running thing lol.... could have had nicer weather, could have run a better time, but the point is I DID it, when 3 months ago I would have doubted it entirely. Keep plugging away at it people, I can't wait to read all about your first 5Ks!!
It was yesterday, at the hospital not 10 minutes from my house, to benefit their Hospice. It started at 10:00, so after dropping the puppy off at my aunt's at about 8:40, we arrived there about 8:50 to pick up our packets, whi*****luded our numbers, a T-shirt, flyers from different businesses, an individual-size box of Wheaties, a key chain, pencil, little stuff like that. We didn't get timing chips to put on our shoes--instead, there was a strip on the back of the number bib that registered when you crossed the start and finish lines. My son went as the official photographer, 'cause you KNOW I had to have this documented.

There were other booths set up from the businesses who helped sponsor the race, and there were people everywhere! I enjoyed looking at who was walking and who was running (different color number bibs) and wondering who I might be faster than (not many of them lol) and who would probably beat me (the overwhelming majority). My parents surprised me by showing up, and they found a parking spot right across the parking lot from the finish line. I ran into a gal I used to work with who's actually done a couple of marathons, and saw a couple other people I knew.
It was cold (about 50) and WINDY! After a quick welcome near the starting area and an awful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, we were off. You know how you have those days where it just doesn't feel right? Unfortunately this was one of those days, where I just felt like I never found a groove, and felt heavy and tight the whole way through. Part of that may have been that the course winds through the hospital grounds largely through the woods, and goes uphill, and downhill, and uphill, and downhill lol... not large grades but enough to tire you out. I knew I was near the back of the pack, but I found it really annoying when some of the goofy race-walkers, who started five minutes after we did, started passing me! LOL...ah well, I at least had the comfort of knowing that I wasn't the last runner. Coming into the home stretch I was thinking "OMG, thank God, there's the finish--" until I realized that I still had to run around the parking lot and come through the finish from the other direction. W HAT??!?? I'm gonna die here! But, I kept on chugging (by this time, it barely felt like jogging lol) and my hubby was there taking my picture as I came through. Whew!
Afterward, inside the athletic center, they posted times and gave us snacks. My friend Jackie, who rates her favorite races based on what kind of snacks they give you at the end, assured us they'd give us good stuff, and they did. We didn't have everything, but they were serving bottled water, gatorade, bagels, bananas, apples, yogurt, cinnamon rolls, and cookies. Carb city of course.... I limited myself to water, apple slices, and a couple of cookies.
In the end, I accomplished my original goal, which was finishing under 40 minutes... just barely. Based on what I'd timed myself at running the flatter roads around home here, I figured on 37-38 minutes, but ended up with a 39:45. And, there were plenty of other runners who finished behind me (plus as I said some of the walkers were starting to come in then too) so I didn't feel stoopid or anything coming in that late. My hubby should have run 5 minutes faster than he did too, but he pulled a calf muscle and had to walk, and stop and stretch three times, so he came in with a 29:09.
Later in the afternoon we got ready to go out--I thought just to dinner, but then he let me know to pack for overnight. Whee!! He took me to a nice hotel in Lansing whi*****luded dinner, wine, candles, and breakfast. And THE most comfortable, cozy bed (those details unnecessary :D ). The coolest thing was that there was a Egyptian-Turkish wedding there, and the procession came through the lobby, which we could see from the restaurant. They came in with these LOUD drums, dancers, music, it was awesome!! Like something out of Aladdin or something. I wanted to follow them into their reception and keep watching. It was so cool!
Anyway, back to the running thing lol.... could have had nicer weather, could have run a better time, but the point is I DID it, when 3 months ago I would have doubted it entirely. Keep plugging away at it people, I can't wait to read all about your first 5Ks!!
wow, stacy way to go!!! Every bit of this was so interesting. I can't believe you just started 3 months ago. I hope I can do something like this in 3 months as well. I was proud of myself today though, I ran 1 mile well jogged and walked another mile. I was sooooo proud of myself. I will continue my very best to get better bc I am hoping to run a 5k in a few months too. All of you guys are such an inspiration to me....Thanks
Thanks! I fully intend to keep it up too. I'd like to do another one in October, but honestly it'll depend on the weather and I probably won't register until the last minute when the forecast is up! LOL.... I don't wanna go out Halloween morning and have it like 40 degrees, windy and rainy. YUCK. But I'd love to do another one on flat ground and see if I can better my time.
Keep on going girls, and don't give up. You WILL do this!!
Keep on going girls, and don't give up. You WILL do this!!
I forgot to check in! My next is week 5, day 2 (dreading day 3). Was supposed to do it yesterday morning, but it was pouring out. I did Leslie Sansone's 3 mile in home walk instead. This morning I have a very early meeting, so planned on going out at 5:00. The darkness kind of scared me off, so now am hoping I will do it this afternoon. I prefer morning, but now it is so dark, I need to re-think that. I'm concerned if I don't do it before work, it won't get done. Any early morning runners out there to with suggestions? The time change is coming up, too. Ugh. I'm training for my company's Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning and plan to do a 'test' one end of October. -margaret