c25k weekly check in
Okay How did we do?
Day 1 26 min 1.5 miles
Day 2 28 minute jog walk 1.6 outdoor
Day 3 too sore to move
Target Race I am actively looking for the right race. Hoping for early to mid Oct.
Maybe the Dayton River Corridor Classic or Children's Miracle Network Charity Run
I loved my first outdoor run. There were some difficulties and surprises. For instance, I felt things wiggle and jiggle and jump and move all over the place. Also, I was so sore afterwards that today will be first day of exercise since then. (I ran Tue.) I am very glad that I took it outdoors. I would have never realized how different it is to run on pavement. Good news? My ankles didn't hurt too badly on the pavement. Yeah! How about You? ~Chakara
Remember it is not about how fast we get there, it is all about the finish!
Day 1 26 min 1.5 miles
Day 2 28 minute jog walk 1.6 outdoor
Day 3 too sore to move
Target Race I am actively looking for the right race. Hoping for early to mid Oct.
Maybe the Dayton River Corridor Classic or Children's Miracle Network Charity Run
I loved my first outdoor run. There were some difficulties and surprises. For instance, I felt things wiggle and jiggle and jump and move all over the place. Also, I was so sore afterwards that today will be first day of exercise since then. (I ran Tue.) I am very glad that I took it outdoors. I would have never realized how different it is to run on pavement. Good news? My ankles didn't hurt too badly on the pavement. Yeah! How about You? ~Chakara
Remember it is not about how fast we get there, it is all about the finish!
I had a pretty good week, week 6 run 1 was easy 2 -5 minute and 1 8 minute runs with short recovery walks. w6r2 was 2-10 minute runs and I struggled a little (I later figured out that I am coming down with a cold). Today is scheduled to be a 25 minute run, no walking. I know I can do it, but I am slightly worried about my stuffed head and scratchy throat.
Hopefully I will be able to breathe well enough to get through it! I have looked ahead on the schedule and the interval training is done with. From here out I am doing nothing but long runs. Week 7 is all 25 minute runs, week 8 is 28 minute, and week 9 is 30!
Chakara, did you get over your soreness? I hope so!
Everybody have a great week!
Today is my first day of standard soreness, as opposed to pain. I plan on running today, but I had my 3 month check up this morning and my brother and his wife had a baby @ 10 minutes ago, so my afternoon may be booked. =) Wish me luck on sandwiching it in.
You just keep on trucking! You are doing so awesome.
You just keep on trucking! You are doing so awesome.
Okay, I'm a bad bad girl. This was the first week back teaching with students and I was naughty. I got up and worked out on Tuesday (Yay me) week 4 day 3. Then nothing the rest of the week. It was a lot of excuses. I had daycare issues with the kids but the bottom line was I didn't get up in the morning and do it. So I'm hoping that since the week is over, I can get back into it next week. Probably will do week 5 day 1 on Sunday during nap time.
So I will try better next week!
So I will try better next week!
That doesn't make you a bad girl! That makes you a girl who is busy living life. Better to be learning how to work these activities into a full life than to living your life around these activities. You will get it worked out, I have faith. I already missed 1 work out b/c of my hectic day. I better kick it in gear this week! ;o)
You are doing awesome!
You are doing awesome!
Thanks for the message to post. It has been a busy week. I turned 50 years young on Tuesday. It has been a week filled with alot of friends and a few nights out.
I did get two days of week 6 done. I am working today and a little tired from a party last night so I am going to do day 3 tomorrow at the park. This is the same place that I will be doing my first 5k next week.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the good work.
Thanks for the message to post. It has been a busy week. I turned 50 years young on Tuesday. It has been a week filled with alot of friends and a few nights out.

I did get two days of week 6 done. I am working today and a little tired from a party last night so I am going to do day 3 tomorrow at the park. This is the same place that I will be doing my first 5k next week.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the good work.

Had a good week. Jogged 3 miles every other day. I also walk a lot on most days-5 to 6 miles.
When I don't do my 3 miles I usually do the couch to 5k but change it somewhat since I want to work on speed. I jog when I'm suppose to be jogging then I run when I'm suppose to me jogging. Did this twice this week. Next week I would like to do it at least 3 times. Then after that I will increase the running minutes.
Didn't do any of my workout today. We bought a horse and spent a lot of time with it today. Haven't been on a horse for close to 30 years. Couldn't do it when I was heave but now I can! Julie
When I don't do my 3 miles I usually do the couch to 5k but change it somewhat since I want to work on speed. I jog when I'm suppose to be jogging then I run when I'm suppose to me jogging. Did this twice this week. Next week I would like to do it at least 3 times. Then after that I will increase the running minutes.
Didn't do any of my workout today. We bought a horse and spent a lot of time with it today. Haven't been on a horse for close to 30 years. Couldn't do it when I was heave but now I can! Julie