Hip pain during and after run

(deactivated member)
on 8/10/10 10:55 pm
Hi folks,

I'm a lurker on this board and I hope you might be able to help me out.  I've been running since January - about 20 miles a week.  Just in the last month I've been experiencing hip pain (right side only) during my runs and afterwards...in fact it will even hurt the next morning. 

Any idea what is going on and what I can do for this pain?  TIA

on 8/11/10 2:02 am - Sacramento, CA
I get hip pain in the left side. I've been to the doctor's for this and they diagnosed it as bursitis - inflamation. Over time I've found what works for me. Icing it. Making sure to really stretch before/after exercise. I avoid the stairs at the gym because I know this really aggrivates it. But my suggestion would be to go to your doctor and have it looked at.
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(deactivated member)
on 8/11/10 5:14 am
From my research, I am guessing that bursitis might be the issue.  Thanks for your advice--icing it was also what I was suggested.  I hate to think that this might impact my daily running.  Has it prevented you from running or limited the length of your runs?
on 8/11/10 5:29 am - Sacramento, CA
Well, I am running about half of what you run a week. I also bike some eveings - leisurely, with my family. I pay attention to what aggrivates it. Icing it and stretching, really stretching, before running certainly helps. http://www.sports-injury-info.com/hip-stretches.html Here are some streches I use. Also, stretch before bed and when you wake up in the morning.

I know I keep saying it, but it has helped me so much. My hip use to just ache and ache, sitting in a car or in my chair at work and it would be aching to where I'd have to stand up or if in the car, prop my foot on the dash while I drive (thankfully it's my left so I could do that!), but since really babying it, it feels a lot better. I can still feel it, but not like I use to.

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Linn D.
on 8/11/10 2:07 am - Missoula, MT

My first guess would be an IT band problem.  It's one of the most common overuse injuries.  Some people have knee pain with it, others have pain in the hip area - especially the outer part.  Scott William has some links to IT band stretches that he can share with you (if he sees your post).  If those don't help, for sure see a physical therapist who specializes in running issues.

I tend to feel it in my knee when it's time for new running shoes, so if you've had the shoes a while, that might be your problem as well.

Hope you figure it out!


Scott William
on 8/11/10 7:22 am
Linn D.
on 8/11/10 9:43 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks a bunch for posting these, Scott!

on 8/11/10 8:53 am - NH
 Timely post!  I've been having the pain as well and have self diagnosed hip bursitis.  I'm doing some stretching and icing.  A frozen water bottle seems to be the ideal size and easy to sit/lean against and stays frozen for quite a while.


Cassie W.
on 8/11/10 11:00 am
I'm a big fan of the foam roller for IT band issues.  I had a lot of problems with my IT band until I started using my foam roller consistently.  Here's a link:  www.amazon.com/Black-High-Density-Foam-Rollers/dp/B0026I2SBS.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Rob S.
on 8/11/10 11:25 am - DE

Sound like an IT band problem.  If you get a good sports physical therapist, he can give you a deep muscle massage that will help to loosen it up and get you back on the road.  A good chiroprator can also give you similar results.

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