I'm one week exactly from surgery...and I'm scared HELP!
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/10 4:09 pm
on 7/27/10 4:09 pm
Imagine yourself down 50lbs, what about 100? This is hard to explain, but I'm 10 weeks out yesterday and down almost 70 lbs. It hasn't been easy, but not impossibly hard either... My wife can't believe how much happier I am. As of now, this is the best decision I ever made. I feel better, I look better, and just loving life at the moment. I too (like most of us) began to freak out as the day approached. Every day is a new adventure. I would do this surgery again in a heart beat.
It's like wedding day cold feet.
This time next week, you'll be on the other side ot the surgery. Stay occupied with stuff and stay on your pre-op diet, if you're suppose to be on one (liver shrinking diet mine was called).
The day before will be like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.
Just keep looking at the OH.com before and after pics and reading folks blogs for their experiences as they interest you, especially from the successful folks on this Exercise and Fitness Board). I still do it for motivation. Really good stuff. That will be you next week!!!!!
This time next week, you'll be on the other side ot the surgery. Stay occupied with stuff and stay on your pre-op diet, if you're suppose to be on one (liver shrinking diet mine was called).
The day before will be like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.
Just keep looking at the OH.com before and after pics and reading folks blogs for their experiences as they interest you, especially from the successful folks on this Exercise and Fitness Board). I still do it for motivation. Really good stuff. That will be you next week!!!!!
I am 2.5 weeks out from my roux-en-y surgery and I feel GREAT!! Never took a pain pill nor anti-nausea meds when I came home. Be prepared to feel like you have done 600 sit-ups. Your muscles will be sore. But that will pass quickly. I had NEVER had surgery before, have never taken any medications before and was very 'healthy' considering I am about 150 pounds overweight!! I was terrified of being put under general anesthesia, but it was a breeze. Really, it was. It's ok to be afraid...if you weren't I would be concered about your mental state. My three week liquid diet has been tough, but I kept thinking to myself, "If I eat, then I could rupture my suture lines and go back to the hospital." It kept me from eating... I have found it difficult to get even 50 oz of liquid/protein a day, but I keep trying. I am only a couple of days away from my scrambled eggs, applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. And I am elated that I am 30 pounds lighter than I was three weeks ago. You are doing it for your health and your well-being. Your new life will impact others...you are a trendsetter!! I did it for my 5 year old son and my husband. I accepted that there were risks involved, but in mind, I was running the risk of a heart attack or stroke or type II diabetes in the upcoming years. (I am 41). I have cheated ailments and aches and pains for years...I still feel just like I always did, but now I am looking better and I know when more weight comes off I will feel better, too. Hang in there! It will be fine. Be strong... be tough.... kick butt! I will be cheering you on from Raleigh, NC!!!
Wendy Stanley
Thank you so much Wendy! I really needed to hear that. As the day approaches, I just keep saying aloud "Thank you God/Universe for a successful surgery and a healthy recovery". I am so happy that I have come this far. And your words have been very helpful for me tonight. I was beginning to become worrisome.

You won't ever be worrisome! We have all been in the same boat here. I have been very lucky in my life that I wasn't overweight until I was an adult. I never had kids tease me nor have I ever had adults speak ugly about me (at least that I am aware of). But I got a good look at myself a year or so ago and didn't recognize that obese girl in the mirror. I was so disgusted with myself for letting it get so out of hand. I tried Weigh****chers and it worked great. But then I stopped going to the meetings and I didn't have that once a week motivation of weighing in, etc. So, I put everything right back on plus 10 pounds. I have been heavy since I was about 25 or so. And at first I was just plump. Then I got fat. Then I got obese. I blame it on eating poorly, not exercising and then having a baby. I weighed 324 when my son was born!! YIKES. I contemplated surgery for years but was too scared of being put under anesthesia. THen I went to Duke and that all changed. I am sipping my Carnation Instant Breakfast right now as I type this. Sugar free, of course! Ha. And I am sick of this stuff. But I know I need it. So... I will go a couple more days until I meet with my Dr. for my 3 week follow-up. I cannot wait to hear the words, "Yes, you can begin your soft foods diet!!" I have considered taking a cup of yogurt in a cooler to the surgeon's office to ear when I leave. Isn't that pathetic? But it is what it is.
Hang in there...you will do just fine. And one thing that saved me was bubble gum. I have been a gum swallower in the past so I had to remind myself not to swallow it, but it gave me the chewing sensation I needed and also a different taste. And those sugar free popsicles helped immensely, too. I won't lie....I chewed a mouthful of pizza one night and then spit it into a napkin just so I could have the sensation of chewing and the satisfaction of the taste. And I got very weepy during my second week. I would watch a tv commercial and just cry for no reason. But it passes. If you have a good support system around you, tell them to keep you busy but encourage the sipping. I sat here for two weeks bored out of my mind except for a couple of days that my 5 year old stayed home to 'take care of me.'
I was up and moving around very soon, but I am a stubborn person. I meant that I wasn't going to let this get me down. And I think you will be the same way. I will be praying for you...
My best,
Hang in there...you will do just fine. And one thing that saved me was bubble gum. I have been a gum swallower in the past so I had to remind myself not to swallow it, but it gave me the chewing sensation I needed and also a different taste. And those sugar free popsicles helped immensely, too. I won't lie....I chewed a mouthful of pizza one night and then spit it into a napkin just so I could have the sensation of chewing and the satisfaction of the taste. And I got very weepy during my second week. I would watch a tv commercial and just cry for no reason. But it passes. If you have a good support system around you, tell them to keep you busy but encourage the sipping. I sat here for two weeks bored out of my mind except for a couple of days that my 5 year old stayed home to 'take care of me.'
I was up and moving around very soon, but I am a stubborn person. I meant that I wasn't going to let this get me down. And I think you will be the same way. I will be praying for you...
My best,
Wendy Stanley